I assume you need a letter so that your course fees will be paid for you?
Who is requesting that information, is it the Local Authority or Job Centre or someone similar? Can't whoever is offering funding give you a steer as to who is most likely to provide you with the appropriate letter?
When you are going to travel agents etc are you putting your request in writting or just telephoning?
If you put in a well written letter, explaining you are not at present trying to secure employment, just get on a training course and enclose photocopies of the course details that might help.
Large TO's now use massive call centres and seem far more interested in people's selling skills than in their knowledge of the travel industry, but there could be opportunities to work as a home worker or for someone like Travel Counsellors.
I admire what you are trying to do. Good Luck with it and let us know how you get on.
Sound advise Doe. I mentioned previously that if ICS were providing the training, they should be able to help, and already have the answers.
I have suggested this but as they are the training providers the place who are providing the funding feel that ics might be bias I personaly know that its a recognised qualification and think I would be better to just pay for the course myself.
but there could be opportunities to work as a home worker or for someone like Travel Counsellors.
Most home working travel agents would not give her a job as you need minimum 5 years experience in the travel industry.
Samsung, She isn't looking for a job, she is trying to get on a training course.
You said but there could be opportunities to work as a home worker or for someone like Travel Counsellors.
I was just pointing out you need to have worked in the travel and tourism industry a minimum of 5 years before any of the home working companies will employ you.

I assume you work in travel, so surely you can give this lady some expert advice, rather than just commenting on my posts and how incorrect they are.
Perhaps you could advise her who she could apply to in order to obtain the letter she requires?
And yes it is a pre-requisite that you need to have 5 years experience in the travel & tourism industry before any home working company will take you on.
Go to your nearest Collage and enrol there.
Off topic remarks removed -Glynis
Edited by
Glynis HT Admin
2008-02-03 23:00:08
unauthorised sig removed
As I said I do not work in travel like yourself, so that's why I though you might be able to give the OP some guidance.
Often a great way to get in is through admin work where you are learning the systems and back office, enabling you to work your way up.
Infact, I started in travel with a receptionist who is now the marketing manager of one of the UK's largest travel company!
However, you are unlikely to get work at home straight off. Are there any travel companies / tour operators within travelling distance of where you are?
I myself went for an interview with a travel company with no experience after passing a small 'test' at a Jobs Fair, I didn't get the job in the end and what I would say is that like you, I love doing the holiday research bit, I book for the family and friends as well as myself but I think the reality is VERY much different to how you imagine it will be.
One of the Mum's at school started working for Thomson about 3 months ago and she's already disillusioned with it all. It's all targets for this, targets for that and the pressure is really on to sell not only holidays but airport car parking, car hire etc. You end up with timewasters or you spend your shift sorting out problems and while you've worked your nuts off all morning you've not got a single booking and it doesn't look good. She also said if she finishes at 2.30pm but she has a booking in before then she has to stay until it's done - fine for those without kids but she has kids and on a few of occasions she's been late picking her kids up.
I'm not trying to put you off but I, like you thought it would be right up my street becos' I love the whole holiday thing, love getting a deal, doing the booking but the reality isn't quite the same as we imagine it to be and I'll be honest I've had my eyes opened since hearing about how things happen at Thomson and I would imagine they all runs things pretty similar.
How many people do the job they are trained for?
At the moment I just want to get a head start so when my kids are older and I do return to work.I think it would look good to any employer that even though I havent been working I have been doing something .
I have recived an email which I can use as evidence when I apply for my funding.Most companies I sent to who replyed were under the impression that I was looking for a job now but I only really wanted a bit of advice.
Thankyou everyone who has done this on holidaytruths as this has been a great help
I know Thomson definitely take on staff with no ABTA experience and I'm sure others do too. I think it was the norm at one point for any tour operator to ask applicants to have at least 2 years ABTA experience but that's not the case anymore.
This is not the case
My cousins daughter has just left school at 16 and is working in a Thomson holiday call centre. She has no experience or qualifications in travel at all. She is earing £125 per week, plus commission (not sure how much) on every holiday she sells, so there must be work out there for folk trying to get started in travel. Surely folk who have a real interest can then progress on from this.
Yes it is the case - Only last week when I popped into my local thomsons, (To pay rest of holiday off), I saw a woman working there who I recognised, (But couldn't remember where from), I asked her where she used to work before, and as soon as she said sainsbury's, I knew straight away, that is where I had seen her face. She told me she had worked at sainsbury's full time for the past 18 years, and as she was wanting a part time position, she had applied for this job as a travel agent (16 hours), and it was her second day there - I asked her if it was a job she had done before, and she said "No, I have had no experience in this field,I always fancied being a travel agent, I applied for the job, and was really surprised when they offered me the position, as I have no expereince whatsoever!, I'm being trained"!
I would like to thank everyone who contributed and helped me get on my way.
All I have to do now is get started and improve my spelling, wriring and typing skills.
Thank you all for your support
Very pleased to hear your good news redcar. Good Luck with the qualification, and glad that this thread helped you along the way.
thanks doe and thanks for your input

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