I found a travel company from teletext with a URL texthols.co.uk
When you go to this site it takes you to
http://www.searchtravelonline.com/ who are part of the Co-Op
Now, when someone tells you that "if it seems to good to be true, it usually is"
I priced a holiday with them from Glasgow to 4* AI in spain and they are about £1000 cheaper for a family of 4, than anything else I have found on the web.
Has anyone used them before?
The deal has a "allocation on arrival" It will be 1 of 3 hotels that they have detailed.
I have checked their number on the ABTA web site and it seems OK
It might just be me, if someone offered me £1,000,000 my first question would be "what is the catch"?
Any feedback would be welcome!