doepsmc wrote:
Is it the weather that is putting you off or the hotel?
I just don't feel "right" about it, if you know what I mean. It seems to be in the middle of nowhere and a lot of the reviews from last year weren't so good. Having said that, we've been to places with poor reviews before and had a fantastic time
I think it's just that this will probably be our last holiday as a nice little family - son will be off to Uni this Autumn and daughter wants to bring a friend on future holidays (or go away with them instead); so I want everything to be "right" if you know what I mean.
shell wrote:
It's not somewhere I would want to return to or Hubby but having said that my Son who was 13 at the time still rates it as his best holiday yet.
Why would you not want to return Shell? Was it really bad or do you just like to try different places?
As I've said, we went to Turkey (Olu Deniz) in August 2006 - it was nice but I'm in no hurry to return. I'm a Spain person. Crete does look nice, but Ierapetra seems to be a bit of a "nothing" place. We went to Ibiza last year and stayed in San Miguel, which is a bit of a one-horse town, but we knew the hotel was going to be good (shared facilities with 3 different hotels, good reviews and excellent entertainment). The Petra Mare seems to have neither the good facilities/entertainment nor the busy resort as an alternative.
Olu Deniz was unbearably hot when we went - it was in the 40ºC's every day and some days it was touching 50ºC - even the locals were complaining. Now, daughter reckons Ibiza last year was just as hot, but I thought it was bearable there, although the hotel in Ibiza was right on the beach and there was always a nice breeze off the sea.
Still don't know what to do - I need to find out how much the amendment fees would be to change to another First Choice holiday (possibly Majorca or somewhere in my beloved Canaries); if the amendment fee plus the difference in price of another holiday is prohibitive then there's the option of just cancelling, losing the deposit and looking for a cheap DIY. Or we could still go to the Petra Mare... need to think about it.
Thanks for your help