Goa Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Goa.
In today's Herald


This is by far from being the first we have heard about this season but is the worst.

It is the 3rd letter on this page

Oh my god, this is the track we always walked through most evenings around 10-11pm after our meal at a beach shack.
We were only there a couple of weeks ago as well :(

I think the hotel named in the article meant to say the riverside, not the riverview?
every year in goa i see ladies carrying the bags facing the road over their shoulders, and every year i expect to see a lady who has been dragged along the rpad and track side with all her skin missing due to someone driving by and grabbing there bag, hand bags and shoulder bags should be worn so they are away from the road side dont put temptation in there. keep bags to oppersite side so scooter riders or someone in a car can not drive by and pull it away from you, hopefully that way you will stay safe. we flaunt our money and flash our gadgets please remember to us things are cheap and replaceble quite easy, but to the 3rd world things are very differant and what we take for granted ie mobilw phones etc etc some people never achive in a life time over there its not worth the risk of injury just think like you do at home be safe.
we walk alot in Goa an di always tell the wife keep your bag away from the road, we never had any trouble but that dont mean you wont. not everyone in Goa is Goan many people come for the tourist season, beggars, gypsies, and criminals. same all over the world not just Goa.
i just wish everyone a safe and very happy holiday. all these things we are reading is sadly world wide not just Goa wide, it seems every one is on a down note all i can say is please dont go back, try somewhere like america, spain, teneriffe, greece, etc etc nothing ever happens there,
candy i will get my wife to walk you home, she scares the be jesus out of me lol
:rofl cheers! if I get no other offers I'll let you know then!!!!
You were right FTV there is a lot more too it, Ive just read lot's more about it on- Goan Voice UK -and it's not good news.
There is an article here from the Sunday papers


Such a horrible thing to have to go through for the family.
Horrible and it doesnt add up by the looks of it. Poor young girl.
Her mother isnt much better and has to accept a lot of responsibility for this as well.
Totally agree Gemma. What was she thinking leaving a 15 year old child ( lets face it that was what she was) alone while she went to another state for a few days :que

She most certainly should accept some responsibility.
sickens me this behaviour' i do feel saddened for the girl obviously, by why has a 15 year old been allowed out till 4am unsupervised in a forien country, she was a child and my children are my biggest treasures. You would not leave a 10.00 watch in a bar at 4am so why do people leave there children. im sorry i can not say what i feel for her mother here as i would get in trouble.
the mother like other mothers and fathers who leave their children like this want arresting and locking up for child abuse because thats what it is. do this to a dog or a animal and you get arrested and in cases jailed. do this to your child and you get your face on tv if your doctors and leave 3 children and one vanishes you get.stars of tv.footballers, and even the pope asking for help, loose your child on way home from school and you hear very little no tv mass appeals, no stars, no tv celebs, no pope, this world a$$ about face. sorry yes this story hit a nerve.
  • Edited by stavros 17 years 13 days ago
I have my thoughts on the matter , but it's best to keep them to myself. As I don't want Holiday Truths to be in trouble.
Me too Lassi, not wishing to be judgemental but some of the blame lays at her doorstep i`m afraid.
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