If you want to get the glycerine out of your lovely chilled bottle...get a glass full up with water(clean fresh tap water... ),then open bottle,put thumb over the opening,then sink it into the glass of water.....then watch the all the nasty glycerine flow out!!!!
i went to kinfisher brewery in ponda it was RUBBISH dont go and dont drink kinfisher stick with budweiser it is much better but drink the the 330ml bottles any problems contact me
Google Kingfisher with glycerine and you will find a film of the rubbish coming out of the bottle.
Do I have to bring my own clear water to do the test
Draught kingfisher is ok, has not all the gunk in it unlike british draught beers its shelf life is only days so not many places have it unless there's a good turnover, kings and kingfisher bottled always gives me heartburn so i stick to bud.