What a wonderful holiday Nette!You seem to have met some great characters!.I would love to do this.I have been trying to persuade my husband to sell our caravan as we have been on the site 21 years and things have changed a lot in recent years.Our friends,who are in their 70s used to drive to Benidorm via Portugal every November and come back in March!.We used to visit them in Benidorm and met folks from our town on the site who had done the same thing.He is wanting to change our car which is 3 years old but the difference plus what we would get for our caravan would buy a nice little motor home.We hired one back in 70s but with2 children,one still in a pushchair it was a bit claustrophobic!I will keep nagging him and see if it works.
PS,Roly and Megan are gorgeous!