Holiday Complaints

Do you have a holiday complaint? For help and advice post in here.
As I have said in my original post I HAVE CONTACTED THE BANK. I contacted them first off before anyone as anyone would do to see what the problem is .They were the ones that told me first choice took all the money. The bank were not at all interested in helping us and said that it was down to us to sort the problem out. They offered no help financially and said they could do nothing. I live in a small village where we have a personal banker once a week! This is a wednesday so I went there today after work to find the personal banker had already left for home. I have spoken to the bank on the phone and all they say is "really sorry about that" I think they must have gone to the same customer service training centre as first choice!!
I cannot magicaly get time off work to go to a bigger branch of the bank so have to go there when I am next off work as this matter does not seem to get dealt with over the phone. The cashiers at the bank are not interested as it isnt their job and I need to see a persoanl banker about this.
As for someone saying they wouldnt mind who the apology is off, well that is your opinion and I respect that but in my opinion that is the exact reason why big firms treat their customers so badly and get away with it. I have had a letter today from ABTA who say they are looking into it. Also a letter from TUI saying the same. I cannot do more then that at this stage.
I can understand why you are beginging to get frustrated with this thread Micky and people keep telling you to contact your bank.

You said at the begining that you had been in touch with your bank, I dont know what else they expect you to do.

In the first instance it is First Choice who caused the problem not the bank, even though in the second instance they may be culpable for letting such a large transaction go through unchallenged. I don't think you should really hassle the bank until you see the £7000 back in your account. Banks can be difficult (and ineffective) as well.

Thanks Doe
Glad someone can see what I mean. Exactly, if the bank refuse to help on the phone, I cant see a personal banker and the cashier wont help then what else am I left to do?? I suppose I could write to customer servie etc but as with most big companies (ie. FC!!) I would expect nothing more then a pass the buck type of excuse. As customers the most effective way to complain is to vote with your feet!! If you dont like the service, walk away!! Simple. Well Ill see what happens for now and Ill keep you posted
Hi Micky, SORRY :duh Have just re-read your original post re contacting the Bank. I am surprised at the response you had as this is an unauthorised debit on your account and they should have been more helpful IMO, as you say a case of passing the buck I think. Let us know when you do finally get it sorted.
To be fair Micky & Doe the only mention of the bank in the original post was "spoke to bankm and then first choice." Mention was made of the fact that FC weren't helpful but nothing was mentioned about what the bank had said and a few days ago Micky said she'd deal with the bank when she knew she wasn't going to burst into tears and then hadn't mentioned it since WHICH is probably why peeps, myself included have mentioned in one or two posts that it might be in her interests to contact the bank.

Obviously now we know your bank doesn't want to know we'll stop mentioning it but we can only go by what information has been given at the end of the day!

And actually obtaining and writing to the CEO of the bank in question can achieve results - I've done so within the last 6 months (unrelated situation to an unrelated bank) and not only did I obtain a full apology but I received monetary compensation also.

I think we've all given as much help and advice as we possibly can on this one - perhaps it's time we left you to deal with things the way you want and not interfere?
Like I said other then the original post that I had contacted the bank the only time I have spoken with them other then that was today, still no use. If people wish to not offer advice then that is up to them, I do appreciate the advice I have been given on here and I have got some useful help. For that I am very grateful. However the way some people seem to be getting irrate anyone would think it was their money that was taken from my bank. I cant help the fact that I havent been able to get to speak to anyone as yet or the fact that some people cant believe I havent been in touch with the bank when I did already say that I had. Yes I only mentioned it in the original post but that was because thats the only time Id had any contact with them. Anyway.. like I said I do appreciate constructive advice , it means a lot when a stranger backs my corner and offers advice. I just wanted to make people aware of what big companies do to people like us and the service we recieve. We shouldnt have to accept it. If this helps one person be a little more cautious when paying over the phone then that can only be a good thing.
If you feel that the bank is not taking your complaint serious then this is where to go.

Thanks fwh, I will look more closely into that for sure and see what my next steps with them are.
Micky,I have been following this thread with interest and I do hope you get it sorted soon.Which bank are you with?I am asking because we have had a problem with our bank recently and are going to change to another bank in June when the free holiday insurance runs out!Jay
The bank is barclays bank. However, I spoke with another bank that said they would have let the transaction go through too!! Shocking!! Is our money safe anywhere?? Maybe Ill keep it under my mattress in future!!lol!!
I used Barclays for 30 years but withdrew all my money when the young girl behind the counter questioned me when I was paying money IN! I am with Alliance and Leicester at the moment but will transfer everything to Nationwide in June,which I have only used as a holiday account.
Finaly resolved.... Got all monies back in account today, some very high up in FC telephoned today to offer sincere apologies and admit the way we were treated was unacceptable. This experience will be used as an example to train their customer service staff in future and people will be held responsible for the error and the way this was dealt with. They totaly understand why we have been so fed up wih them and accept full responsibility. We have been told that a cheque will be ariving for us shortly to cover costs and a "gift". We have a holiday now also so am very happy with the outcome so far. Just goes to show that the little people do matter! Just the bank to deal with next!!
Thanks for the update. Glad it's been resolved to your satisfaction.

luci :wave
Well done,I am pleased you have your money back. :tup Maybe your gift will be a free upgrade! :D
Hopefuly it will be a lifetimes supply of holidays ;) ( I doubt!) Doesnt matter if its a paper weight, its the gesture that counts.
That's really good news, micky.

I just hope FC really learn from this and actually start practising customer service rather than paying 'lip service' to it.

I bet you take great pleasure in telling your bank where to stuff their account.

I hope you have a really good holiday. :tup

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