the hotel was brilliant THE BEST we have ever stayed in anywhere beautiful
staff first class people just like the turkish BUT leave us alone when shopping we are not all born hagglers i know its the custom but do they have to be so pushy (just our opinion) but other than that no complaints about the people so friendly
just a couple of prices to compare for drinks
in the puca irish pub across from the marhaba palace 1 small beer 2,900
in the hotel 3,500
in the hotel 1 martini and sprite + 1 beer (large) 12,000
puca irish pub 11,800
in the hotel we got exchange rate
20/04/08 2,2530 t dinars
22/04/08 2,2530 t dinars
23/04/08 2,2500 t dinars
at the post office at the entrance to the marina
21/04/08 2,259 t dinars (0930)
21/04/08 2,275 t dinars (1639)
22/04/08 2,249 t dinars
25/04/08 2,260 t dinars
tho if memory serves me right i think there were days when the post office rate was better than the hotel