My son suffers from hayfever in the UK.
Is there much flower/tree/grass pollen about in Cyprus this time of year. We are planning a trip to the Troodos mountains.
We usually go to Spain where he has been affected badly once or twice over the last few years but usually he is okay.
Any replies greatly accepted. Thanks.
i'm not an expert on this but as a hayfever sufferer of about 30 years i have never encountered any problems whatsoever when going abroad. whether its being on the coast or lack of polution its wonderful not to even have to worry about it. Maybe jimbox could help here as he lives out there.
The only time he has encountered probs is when we stayed in a hotel that had gardens with a lot of trees and foliage in Benidorm and another time in salou where we encountered weather conditions similar to the UK, cold and miserable.
I get hayfever that bad i sometime have time off work, but i never have any problems in cyprus or anywhere else abroad, dont know why that is.
I suffer from hayfever in the UK, although it has not started yet this year. I have been to Cyprus twice in March and been OK, but this year we went mid April instead and some days my eyes were itchy when we were out in the countryside. However, it was nowhere near as bad as I've had at home.Whether it would have got any worse if we'd been there longer I don't know.
I always come prepared with antihistamines just incase and they are always handy if you should get bitten or get prickly heat etc.
Hope you have a nice hay fever free holiday

Hope you have a nice hay fever free holiday
Thanks Louise, so do I, Piriton in the case now just in case.
I too suffered from hayfever & allergic rhinitis in UK as well as an asthma sufferer since I was about 19yrs old.
I still have problems with the rhinitis and take 5mg of antihistamine everyday (for those who don't know - it's like a constant hayfever all year round).
I only notice the itchy eye syndrom related to hayfever around this time of year - early summer when the pollen starts to move as we usually get breezy days.
However, once the green plants start to dry out and turn brown as soon as summer is upon us - it rapidly disappears.
I believe being by the sea is a great help too, although we live about 10 minutes from Curium Beach.
If you are going to stay in the mountains, it will be cooler and a little greener too - so you may find the pollen could possible still have an effect. However, you can buy antihistamine over the counter here although they may be more expensive than some brands in UK.
Local antihistamine is generally sold in 10mg tablets - so you may need to break them in half. If this is the case - try to get capsule shaped tablets rather than round ones, as they are much easier to break

Have a great time!
cyprus100 wrote:
Local antihistamine is generally sold in 10mg tablets - so you may need to break them in half. If this is the case - try to get capsule shaped tablets rather than round ones, as they are much easier to break![]()
Have a great time!
Or you can take Xyzal 5mg tablets, the best antihistamines in the correct dose!

Just to let everyone know, the bairn was not bothered one bit by hayfever during our holiday, in fact since we have come home he has no symptoms either. Fingers crossed.
We just got back too earlier this week... lovely time... but it was fantastic to see our son's eczema clearing up as if by magic whilst there. Within 5 days it had disappeared completelyand his skin was beautiful. Was it the sun or the sea I wonder?
Nikki64 wrote:We just got back too earlier this week... lovely time... but it was fantastic to see our son's eczema clearing up as if by magic whilst there. Within 5 days it had disappeared completelyand his skin was beautiful. Was it the sun or the sea I wonder?
A mixture of both and the fact he would of been running around with very little on. My son is the same, excema all down front of his legs, go on holiday and it dissapears.
Been back five days and the eczema is coming back again!
Exzema fine but hayfever returned with avengeance today, as well as with me which is really strange as this is the first time for me, itchy eyes I could just scratch out and a runny nose.
yes itchy eyes and runny nose is back for me , very hard to type this without dribbling on the keyboard....

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