blimey, I know we are experiensing some lovely weather here in the uk at the moment , but why, oh why, do we have to go out and think we are going to get a mediteranian tan in one day ?
I went to pick my daughter up from school this afternoon and saw some pretty bad cases of stripey sunburn on arms and legs and I swear, these mums thought it was a great tan !, I even overheard 2 of them saying to each other, ' ooh, you look really brown,' and the other one siad 'yeah, well, I put a bit of baby oil on, and once the redness has gone, I'll go really brown'.
now, don't get me wrong, I have been caught out once or twice with the strength of the rays here , but, call me old fashioned, I haven't had the urge to burn meeesel silly today !
any one else noticed this today ?
Yes! exactly the same with some of the mums here when i got my daughter from pre school - there were quite a few very red arms & shoulders. Which the mums were showing off to their friends!
I went out in the garden reading magazines for a couple of hours on Tuesday. Didn't realise how hot it was and now I have the sunburnt 'tshirt effect'.

It doesn't seem to be fading either

I can't see the sun in my office!
I have a little natural light but my window actually is a window that goes on the stairwell, rather than outside. So it's lights on all year round for me.
i overheard one of the mums at little girls school saying how she rubbed a little olive oil on to herself i know its nice to get a tan but thats plain silly

Been suffering terribly with hayfever the last few days, took my Clarityn, my Beconase spray and eye drops but the pollen count must be very high because I've felt itchy and sniffly all day, but I'm certainly not going to stay indoors with the windows closed!
Got a touch of pinkness on my arms now, just had a bath and put some nice aftersun on, but I'll bet I'm white again in the morning!

CourtneeLouise x
I have noticed the a number of very pink people around Manchester ( No doesnt rain all the time!!

Well said I really can't believe how naive some people are when it comes to being safe in the sun, using baby oil is just so stupid, god knows what they use on their children
There was a seriously burnt couple in Wilko's the other day looking at Suncream (Im sensable, picked up a factor 30!!) they were looking for one as low as possible and oil based. They had 2 infants, both burnt
..... am I missing something or is that how BBQs work????? Maybe they marinade themselves in foil for a few hour first, possibly throw in a few cloves of garlic and a bayleaf under each arm!!!
hi all. a family member of mine recently went to have a "suspicious mole"checked over at the hospital. while there she had all her other moles/beauty spots checked. everything is perfectly fine for her. whilst there she had a chat with the consultant about skin cancer. she was told that people dont just very quickly develop skin cancer quickly. she also said that you generally start to show signs of it up to fourty years after having a bad exposure(resulting in bad sunburn). very worrying!! so...for all those who think its great to sit out with oil on their skin to get a days "burn tan" please re think...its not a sensible thing to wouldnt put it on your childrens skin would protect yourself !!....i cant believe that people are still so ignorant of the effects of the sun in this day and age.well...thats me my soap box now.....i am a nice person..honest...but felt the need to put my opinion up....i totally agree with other posters about how ridiculous it is to burn your own skin!!!!im looking after mine...its the only skin im gonna heres to happy safe tanning!!!!
Bet there'll be loads on holiday too, getting off the plane with lovely strap marks showing all white and think there bodies are prepared for the sun. It's not a pretty sight.
cazmickntom, yeah...i agree . its as if it is something to be so proud of...i just dont get it. when i was 20 i went to tenerife with my sister. i put on factor 20 thinking i would be protected but completely misjudged how hot the sun was. i burnt quite badly and...believe me it wasnt anything to brag about...very painfull and had to stay in for rest of holiday..(couldnt even wear underwear!!!).so needless to say i am so much more aware of what the sun can do and always wear a high just isnt worth it....

Comparing Strap Marks !!

now isnt that going just a little to far?...
its terrible how theese people can think its a good thing putting oil on & burning! when i go on holiday i always have to make my daughter put suncream on , she says " its alright mum, i dont need it i want a tan" then i have to go through explaining to her that you put suncream on and catch a tan but dont burn. she wont have it what so ever! ...
CourtneeLouise x
My 4 year old demands that she has cream on before she goes out. On Wednesday her childminder was picking her up from nursery so she had suncream and a hat in her bag because it was so hot and sunny. The teachers said to the children that they were going to play outside that morning so my daughter went away and got the suncream out of her bag and presented it to one of the teachers who then put some on some of the other children too (she apologised to me for using the cream on the others when she saw me on Thursday but I've told her to feel free to use it as I'd rather buy another bottle rather than have someone else's child burnt). Today I went out for a paper after lunch before we got stuck into the garden and came back to the house smelling of suncream. The 4 year old had struck again and demanded her daddy put cream on her before she went outside.
my 9 year old gets creamed up top to bottom, all theses mums who stand in the playground conparing strips are sad, i tan very well same as my dad an son but the other year i went out with no cream for about 2 hour and got burnt very bad

while im on the subject of suncream has anyone tryed E45? normally sold in Marks&Spencers, about 11.45?

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