Best to type it in Word first of all and then copy and paste it onto the forum.
When you go back to it- press the load button. Above this box will be a list of drafts you have to chose from. It should still be there Catweazle. Fingers crossed for you!
thaks fiona have tried it, unless i was pressing the wrong buttons,looks like i will have to start again.
Do your report on Word first and then copy and paste here. I always think its wise to do that as, eventually any report you do on HT will be deleted( a couple of years down the line) and its nice to keep a copy to look back on. OH started doing trip reports years before I did and its brilliant to be able to look back on past ones. You forget so much.
just to add. I tried a dummy post, saved it, logged out of here and came back on. I tried opening a new post and then pressed the load button. Above this box was my draft ready to be added at a click. Give it another go, it really should work.

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