On our first time to Side four years ago, we had jabs as recommeded by our doctors surgery back then, we then had the 6 month boosters to cover us for 10yrs..... We were also travelling with our young children, so we had their wellbeing to consider.
3 weeks ago we had our medical records checked, and went to doctors for the lastest recmommedation, and found we just needed to have a Typoid jab each, as that jab had run its course. They asked what part we where heading off to, and the on the screen the nurse pulled up a map of Turkey.
Marmaris, Bodrum extra showed a white area - meaning no risk of malaria. From Antayla down, showed up a light pink, meaning a slight risk she informed us. However, having been to this area twice before, and never had any problems and never took Malaria tablets either time, we have decided not to take Malaria tablets - her reponse was ' well mossies dont fly to a certain line you know ? ' Maybe she's right, but everyone has their own thoughts on this... If however the map had shown dark pink , like other countries did, then we would be taking malaria tablets.
We were also told the main bulk of our jabs now last for 20yrs, instead of 10 yrs.... having them means if we should decided to travel in the future to a country that needs them, we should be covered depending again on the advice at the time of travelling and to what country.
Yes, I agree with the other posts, medical advice should really only come from the Doctors/ Nurse/Travel Clinic..... you can listen to the advice, but it's down to personal choice.
The brillant thing with this website is, the degree of peoples thoughts, choices and findings..... so others can read and take on board and act on or not if that is to be the case.