Burglaries do happen, but you were wrongly informed about your insurance claim. You would be covered if there was a forcible entry to the premises. The reason why insurance companies here restrict claims to forcible entry (or street theft with violence/threat of violence) is because so many people act irresponsibly with their possessions.
You were right that the police would be sceptical that your place was broken into whilst you were in, because this would be unusual. Most break-in's happen to unoccupied properties.
It is understandable that at this emotional time you may be having second thoughts about relocating to Spain, and without wishing to upset you further, perhaps it might be for the best.
Did you really think that the police here would deal with you in English?
Would the English police deal with a Spaniard in Spanish?
Would the English police deal with a Spaniard in Spanish?
In England, everybody is entitiled to an interpreter.

But from speaking to people here I was under the impression that the English police no longer bother investigating burglaries. I was told that (in most cases) they send you a letter with a crime number on, and suggest that you get councelling.
You are, of course, entitled to an interpreter in Spain, in common with any other country in the World, I would imagine.
The theft of any personal belongings or valuables needs to be reported to the police as soon as possible, and a reference number obtained which you will be required to pass on to your insurance company with any claim. English speaking officers may not always be available. If you experience any language difficulties, you can ring a multi-lingual police helpline to report the crime, and they will e-mail a copy of the report to the local police office in your resort, which you can then visit to sign the document and collect the necessary information for your insurer. The police helpline can be contacted on 902 102 112.
Hi David, i am a new member here so would have no idea you offered such translation services. Oly.. i do understand that i cant go to a different country and expect them to speak english hence why we took the time to learn quite alot of spanish but this was not good enough, we would've had to be fluent to have engaged conversation and explain the burglary (they don't teach you about burglary's in spanish class). As i said they did speak english as we later found out and it is the International Language after all so i would expect them to try to help us when we have tied to speak their language! We do not treat foreigners in England like we were treated, most get treated very well and are offered help/translaters/lawyers? I've totally lost all confidence in spain and will be staying away from now on!. I hope what happened to us never happens to anyone else whilst on holiday, it was supposed to be a happy time and it's turned our life upside down!
But from speaking to people here I was under the impression that the English police no longer bother investigating burglaries. I was told that (in most cases) they send you a letter with a crime number on, and suggest that you get councelling.
Sorry to say but you have been misinformed.
My friends mum and dad were burgled and the police were brilliant. They found the robbers DNA on a carton of milk and in no time they had his name. He was later convicted of a string of offences.
I think it depends to what extent you have been burgled. If it's a bike missing from a garden shed then yes you would probably be just given a crime number but for more serious cases the policeusually get involved and forensic too.
P.S. I forgot to say, It must have been a terrible experience for you Pinkocean, I hope that it doesn't stop your dream of moving abroad. This could have happened anywhere in the world, you just have to put it behind you now. At least nobody was hurt, you can always replace belongings.
Hi David, i am a new member here so would have no idea you offered such translation services.
Hi pinkocean ... just in case I have confused you, this is not a service which we provide. It is a police service, and should be highlighted by holiday companies, holiday home owners, tourist organisations, and the police themselves.
Sue & Oly .. with regards to discussion about what may or may not happen in England or any other country, it's probably best that we do not allow pinkocean's warning to drift off in that direction.

I've been very lucky so far "Touch Wood" in that i've only once experienced a problem several years ago, having my wallet stolen. I was lucky also that the Receptionist at my hotel, knew when to tell me to go to the local Police station when the interpreter was present, in order to deal with my report and fill in the paperwork for me. I hope the attitude you say the Spanish Police displayed is not something that would be common either for crimes involving "foreigners" or for crimes of a serious nature, which involve a good deal of investigation. I've not long finished reading the book "Nightmare In The Sun" which was about that poor British Couple who were abducted,robbed, and murdered whilst on the Costa Blanca looking for a retirement villa. If the book it to be believed, the Spanish Police did not take this case serious at all, until British Police became involved. I too dont want to get too involved into comparing the Police in various countries attitudes or abilities in investigating serious crime, but when you read accounts like the book i've mentioned, and you also only have to look back to a certain investigation in Portugal to realise things perhaps are not always handled as they should be!
But these really are only exceptions to what most people ever experience!!...As a certain Nick Ross always used to say "Dont Have Nightmares"
Best Regards - Taggy
Edited by
2008-06-20 14:13:14

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