Just returned to EMA....from manic mad Malaga airport on Sunday night, jaysus the place was heaving

Anyway, I gather that we flew on a new 737-800, although I must admit, I didn't really notice much difference except the "leather" seats, but my hubby was quite intrigued at the shape of the wing...small things amuse him

We were seated in row 17 on the outbound journey, which if my memory serves me well, it was one row behind the emergency exit and the meal takers stopped at row 16...wow I actually noticed somebody drinking orange juice and eating a croissant for breakfast"¦.. which is how it used to be.
Can't remember the in-flight entertainment on the out-bound journey because I put my headphones in from the MP3 player listening to Shakira and slept half way through the flight.
Coming back, the entertainment was "My Family" the BBC sitcom with Zoe Wanamaker & Co, then Michaela Strachan " in Africa with the "football playing elephants", I think it's called "Elephant Diaries" filmed in Kenya"¦.in between nodding off every now and then.
Going out, we had been allocated 2 aisle seats and this was what I would have booked, (if I'd been booking) but coming back, we were allocated a window seat and middle seat on row 21, (my worse nightmare) but we were extremely lucky that the only spare seat on the plane was the one that should have been occupied next to the aisle, next to the hubby"¦.so he was able to move into the aisle seat as soon as possible and I then had bags of room.
A brilliant flight home in 1 hour 50 mins due to a very strong tail wind, but touch down was a bit bumpy due to the strong winds at EMA.
Unfortunately, all that time we had gained in flight due to the tail wind was wiped out because they had us sat on the plane for nearly 30 mins waiting for the steps and buses, apparently EMA wasn't ready for us"¦what a palava, explicit words uttered from my mouth, omitted here.
It's a long time since I had an evening flight or was brave enough to look out of the window, but it was producing some lovely colours and scenes where night meets day, or visa versa.

Edited by
2008-06-25 22:25:07