Never, (repeat) NEVER, will I ever use the services of this tour operator again.
Nor will ANY of my friends and relatives afte their latest display of ignorance,
total incompitence, lack of respect to customers and downright money grabbing
End of May. School term time.. Need a vacation to suit the needs of
myself (fit & healthy), wife (not so fit and healthy but able to travel
IF the right arrangments and provisions are made) and a 15 year old
You would think, that when you find a 4 star hotel with rave reviews
by its former visitors, that behind the success, would be an equally
profficient and worthy tour operator? WRONG!
Found the hotel on the internet, via usual services and moreso, thanks
to the "Holiday Truth's" area, which did it for us.. We have to stay at
this hotel,,, no question about it.
What we DIDN'T realise at this point in time, is that messrs Thomas Crook
(sorry, COOK) travel, were the sole beneficieries of the success of this
4 star establishment, in so much as they have the hotel tied up to their
UK clientele. (Germany is the exception).
For starters, their web site is geared up, very effectively, to get you
to the point of getting the hard earned brass out of your credit card.
They do THAT with GREAT efficiency and planning and THAT is the ONLY
efficient operation I can credit them with. So,, before the booking is made,
and after a great deal of web site searching, I manage to find an 0870 (national
rate number) which SUPPOSEDLY, is linked to their "Customer Services"
(A contradiction in terms after just ONE attempt).
To cut the story short at this point about the "telephone" service,
let's just say I am now privvy to my forthcoming telephone bill for this
series of "service" numbers I dialled, hung onto whislt listening to patronising
pre-recorded voices and several repeated non descript tunes,,, and it AIN'T
In all that time, I managed to speak to just FIVE individuals.
THREE who quickly decided that they were not the SERVICE agents
I should be speaking to and promptly cut us off and the balance of the other
two, resulted in NO promised, return call and the last one, who sent a confirmatory
email after our conversation, then vanished into the etha and never again, responded!
ALL I was attempting to do, was reserve (as was my right and medical priveledge),
a SEAT for my wife, that THEY call a MEDICAL seat, for the journey, outwards and
in.. I also required further information on what they loosely termed a "night flight"
arrangement? With no actual "hours" specified, it became obvious (but only AFTER
booking) that our "7 night" vacation, meant your first nights accommodation is
ACTUALLY, the very cramped seating arrangements on the Thos Cook flight out!
Yes, you're way ahead of me.. Of course,, the due departure time of this flight
was suppposed to be 10.30 at night, meaning a prior 3 hour arrival at Birmingham
airport, meaning a 1 1/2 hour prior departure to secure the car in the car park and
travel to the nearby airport. In turn, as it is already going to be a long day of packing
and preparation, a flight arrangment that takes you nearly another 4 hours through
the night to a country (Turkey) that was 2 hours ahead of us in time zone, followed
by a further 2 hour transfer, meant that we would have to be up for a mean average
of 23 hours before ANY possibility of getting our heads back to the pillow.
THAT, you can prepare for, even if unnacceptable to the body's routine,, BUT
WHEN you have arrived at aforementioned airport, collected your tickets and THEN
told, the flight is delayed for a further 3 hours and the best they can come up
with to compensate for your 24 hour + marathon, is to present you with a £4 voucher
to spend on refreshments (we actually found ONE outlet that was still open at that
time of the morning who was prepared to accept this "unnanounced" catering deal
and duly presented us with a packet of soggy biscuits and said "of course, I won't be
able to offer you any change for this?!" )
Think it could get any worse? HA!
We finally board the cattle truck and look for the, presumiably allotted,
medical seat (which forms a 3 seat across affair), just to find that a young
couple had already deposited their back sides on them and were not prepared to
move. the cabin mamager, embarrasses as he was, informed us that the plane was
absolutely chocka and that he was sorry, but we would have to accommodate a
set of the seats further back..
I don't know if the CAA are aware of the ACTUAL seating arrangements on this
illustrious cattle truck of the skies but you have to question the safety element
when the cabin crew go through their "safety" routine and get to the point about
"brace position" before landing?? BRACE POSITION????? YOU COULDN'T MOVE
Needless to say, the flight was abysmal in terms of space and amenities
(the only considerations of the cabin staff, bar one, was how much funding
they could extract from you in return for a pair of headphones to watch the
already out dated in flight movie and for that of your drinks in flight)..
and my wife, suffered in silence, all the way...
Thanks ONLY to ONE female TC rep, at the hotel and ONE male
cabin attendant, of some seniority, was the return journey any
less fraughtful!
Been back a couple of weeks now and despite the report we made
directly to TC, we have heard zilch..
Oh, they are quite prepared for you to call another 0870 number from
their bundle of reserved money making telephone numbers in an
effort to extract further expenditure from you on your return, whilst
attempting to pass on to them, your comments and complaint but
take it from me, you'd be wasting your time AND your money.
If you took 1500 quid from your pocket and set light to it in a public
place, in view of sufficient onlookers,,, they would come and lock you
up... Right?? In blissful knowledge that a comfortable bed and reasonable
food in a town's local nick, would be an exerience, more comfortable and
more humane in EVERY respect, in comparison to this nightmare of a
vacation that THEY,, coo about as if they are actually PROUD of their
What is more infuriating, is the comparisons of the actual vacation.
The hotel itself, is a 4 star with 5 star service and yet, the success of
this outfit, TC, are LIVING off the backs of the succcess of this
hotel. If they were to lose such establishments (and I rightly think they
SHOULD), they would be be in queer street before you could shake an
in flight packet of peanuts..
This is one tour operator, we shall stay well clear of...
YES, we know they are associated with several others and
YES, we have ALL their details as well.. So, what I should be saying
is,, we'll probably organise our next vacation around the place WE want
to go, at a time WE want to fly and stay where WE want to stay for a
period of days WE understand, IS at the holiday WE paid for!!
Most airlines I have travelled on will only allocate the front seats as medical seats.
This couple may have paid for extra leg room seats at check in,so they will have been given boarding passes with your seat number on.
I was on a Thomas Cook flight to Turkey where a man who had a steel plate in his leg couldnt sit down for the flight because his seat was occupied when he boarded the flight!.The couple occupying his seats wouldnt move because they had paid for a leg room seat.Only Thomas Cook can give out the same seats to 2 lots of passengers!.
I can appreciate the distress this experience has caused you but I'm finding your post a bit confusing as well as overloaded with (quite understandable in the circumstances) sarcasm and irony.
You say you've complained to Thomas Cook, did you do this in writing in a calm manner or was the complaint worded in the same way as your post?
What exactly (if anything) are you asking Thomas Cook to do?
Am I right in deducing that you were more than happy with the hotel, it was mainly the outbound flight that was the problem?
Did you book it as a package or as hotel & flight separately?
When you booked the holiday, were you not aware that the flight was a night flight and would involve a long day prior to departure as well as a very early arrival in a country that was 2 hours ahead of the UK?
All the holidays I've booked have had the flight departure and arrival times clearly stated - we always steer clear of night flights for the reasons you detail.
Unfortunately, flight delays do happen.
I'm lost on the issue of the seating.
Did Thomas Cook allocate the SAME seats to both your family and the couple who were sitting in the seats when you boarded the plane?
Or were you just promised 'medical' seats at check-in but when you boarded you found out that the seats were just 'normal' ones.
They do need to sort that out as it is apparent that this is not an unusual practice.
So far as the other things go, well that's flights and that's holidays. I would pursue the incidence of the outward flights if only to make them see how their system clearly isn't working but you have no claim for anything else.
Plus I believe you did have a lovely holiday. I don't think it's worth getting this worked up about myself, as you said you won't use them again so they have lost business.
Seat pitch on the aircraft the same as every other UK charter airline like thomson and Monarch. Have you used charter aircraft before ?
Possible issue on pre booked seats not available. Unclear if you paid to book a seat or just asked at check-in for one to be allocated.If not allowed the emergency exit aisle then all the seats on the aircraft are the same.
Is it me ? There seems little here to complain about. Any wonder real complaints take a long time to get answered.
Kind Regards
sarcasm don't you just love it
Gateshead are you refering to me, if so I am not being sarcastic. I think this complaint is minor and does not justify the long rant. A flight delay and a possible seat allocation mix up.
The only complaint I think you have is the fact that your wife was not provided with a special seat, and then only if you had prebooked and paid for it, which isn't very clear from your post. If you had prebooked and paid for this seat then you are entitled to a refund.
AyeGateshead are you refering to me, if so I am not being sarcastic. I think this complaint is minor and does not justify the long rant. A flight delay and a possible seat allocation mix up.
Kind Regards
We aren't all perfect
Anyone who has any medical complaint can not be seated in an exit seat. These exit seats can only be booked at the check in. Like all Charter and some low cost Airlines they charge a fee for this.
I now stop to wonder if this rant is real and not simply a means of getting all of us to respond. The response that someone is sarcastic is uncalled.
So don't use TC again end of story!
I really haven't got a clue what you are getting at. I am just adding my opinion to the post or must they only agree with your opinion.
Kind Regards
Yes there is the issue of the seats but it is not clear if you booked and paid for these, or simply made a request. The answers given by others cover it adequately in my opinion.
A long sarcastic posting makes it difficult to know if it is serious, or just someone getting it off their chest.
If you have a serious question then I would suggest you post again without the histrionics when members may be able to help you.
Members of HT do try to assist where they can and are also entitled to their own point of view.
If anyone does not agree then no purpose is served by rubbishing what they say. We really do want HT to be friendly.
hear hear....fwh.......lets keep it friendly on here.......
Thank you fsh. As usual good solid advice.
I think you raised a valid point in your initial post regarding seat pitch.
In my original reply, I also asked whether the OP knew it was a night flight. I too was confused with the tirade about night flights: time spent packing, length of journey to airport, 3 hour check-in, arrival country 2 hours ahead.
Also, the OP wasn't clear about allocation of the seats.
Unlike Gateshead61, I personally couldn't see any sarcasm in your post, just an observation that many (but not all) of the OP's issues seemed to be his/her own too-high expectations of charter flights, coupled with a strange decision to book a night flight then complain about it.
Was this your first visit abroad? It certainly sounds like it!! Regardless of which company you travel with there is a minimum of 2hours check-in before hand and of course your journey to the airport. Nothing at all to do with TC! Unfortunate about the delay but, hey ho, we've all been there. Also, ALL airlines charge for any extras they can - drinks, snacks, headphones, even blankets nowadays! Most resorts in Turkey neceesitate a fairly long transfer time but you could have researched this before booking. Methinks a 'home grown' holiday may suit you or maybe you could try a cruise. But don't forget, there will be travelling time to allow for
I realy think Twanny done this for a laugh if not why have there been no answers to question raised, all its has done is stir up a few people. Come Guys and Gals there are many more important issue to comment on than this time waster.
When you book them at the Special needs department they usually ask for your Blue badge number and your medical condition.If you havent got one its unlikely they will give you a medical seat.
No one can pay for a leg room seat in row 1.If they havent been booked by people requiring a medical seat they are usually allocated last at check in.
whilst I note others, decided instead, to squabble amongst themselves.
Unfortunately, my wife took very ill, just after the posting and is now
in a serious condition, in hospital. Hence the delay in posting!
It has become very obvious to me, that posting such items, relating to total
unservice by TC to reserved seat paying customers is greeted with nothing but gratuitous
lip service in this area, as well as those who appear to glorify in their
own, egotistical manner, with no sense of purpose to the topic in hand.
I'd appreciate if you post no further comments in this topic as it is
distressing enough to note that my wife's illness has not been afforded
any relief by your adverse and sometimes, terse comments.
Good bye and thanks again, for nothing.

Sorry to hear about that.

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