Hi, when we were in Malta for the MTV concert we saw outside a Captain Morgan office a poster advertising return trip to the concert. We went into the office and the man behind the desk said that we would lave at 8.30pm. I said that I thought it started at 7 but he said no 9. Wwe got there at 9 and had missed 2 acts!!
We were told to meet after the concert at the dop off point which we did. We got there at 1230 and waited 'till 1pm then run to catch the last bus. Luckily we are regulars to Malta and knew the area but it could have been quite scary for 1st timers.
The next day we returned to the office, the same man was behind the desk and he said that he was there at 1245. I told him he was lieing and he returned half our fare.
I have e mailed Captain Morgan and recieved this response
'I do apologise once again for the inconvenience but we have hundreds of sub-agents all across the island selling our trips. Unfortunately we have no control over to what they are allowed to sell and advertise'
Be warned if you think you are booking with Captain Morgan you might not be and may be stranded at 1 in the morning in the middle of nowhere!!!

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