GQBLa Carihuela sounds like a lovely place Sanji! Does it have a stop on the train? Can you tell me a bit more about it?
I'm not ignoring your post Jackie, I've picked up a virus on my computer and it's been crashing the programme that I use for video editing, as well as doing other wonderful wacky things....I've been spitting fire here because I wanted to get them done.

I didn't take the camcorder on my last visit, but I took loads of photo's that I'm in the process of making into a photo video or whatever it is that you call these things....just trying to get the music right behind them....there's plenty of photo's of La Carihuela/Torremolinos/Parque La Bateria.
If you're staying near the Puerto Marina/Montemar area, El Pinillo station would probably be better than Montemar Alto, but if you're in La Carihuela anywhere near Plaza del Remo, then Montemar Alto is the station to get off and walk down by the side of the park, and through the residential area.
The same if you're staying the far end of La Carihuela, near the Las Palomas hotel, I would say that you're better off, getting off the train in Torremolinos town centre and walking down the road to the hotel or anywhere in that area.