Can anyone help or has anyone had a similar experience. My partner and I went to Marmaris Turkey, with Thomas Cook whilst sunbathing round the pool a turkish bath rep came round asking holiday makers if they wanted a turkish bath, my partner and I booked a massage only with him and he arranged a pick up and took us to a 5 star hotel the Pasa Beach Hotel where we were given the hard sell to have a turkish bath, we said no and stated we just wanted a massage, neither of us have had a massage before, 2 young lads came in and for the next 30 minutes humiliated my partner and inflicted a lot of pain on us both most of it on my boyfriend, I do not know why we sat through it, it was a very bad experience and the day after my partner could not move, he had pins and needles and pain in his arms and legs I had to get him strong painkillers the pain lasted for about 4 days.
We complained to the Manager of our hotel who got the Manager of the Spa to come and see us and he was very upset when we told him what had happened to us and how the massage was conducted, he told us he wanted to kill the boys and that he would finish them, he was very apologetic
Needless to say we lost a complete day of our holiday while my boyfriend was in bed and 3 further days of back pain and pains in his arms and legs
Can anyone advise what we should do, by the way the Rep for Thomas Cook was not interested in our complaint but I did get a form off him to fill in and got him to sign it
If the latter i don't think TC are responsible.
Perhaps the rep could have been a little more sympathetic but it was not his fault you accepted the offer.
Yes I agree we were stupid. but we were shocked as we did not expect that, we blame the hotel for allowing them on the premises to tout for business, you live and learn I just wondered if anybody else had a similar expeprience
fwh - I really don't think your helping and it seems to be your way in a lot of the complaint threads!
In this instance, I don't see how TC can possibly be held responsible for a 3rd party's actions that they had no contractual arrangment with especially given the fact that the OP and her partner apparently allowed themselves to be humiliated and subjected to a very painful experience. The moment the hotel was made aware that there was a problem they do appear to have taken action. Though I am a bit confused about this too, because on the Turkey forum th OP seems to indicate that they were staying in an apartment but here refers to 'our hotel' so I'm not sure which manager it was who sacked the young men and/or what the relationship was between the manager of where the OP was staying and the manager of the hotel/spa where the incident took place.
You will find some posters to be a bit less sympathetic then others, I'm sorry you had such an awful experience - Was reason you didn't walk out, would it have been because you probably thought these numpties knew what they were doing!. I probably would have thought exactly the same. So I don't agree it was self inflicted! - You probably though it would leave you relaxed and revitalised. - which if done correctly will. - and should have done. When we were away last Oct, both me, and my mum had a massage done (Organised by hotel) - Never for one minute did it cross my mind that, we could be in pain after, if the hotel management are inviting people offering these types of services, into their hotels - then surley they should be held responisble to some degree!
Hope your boyfriend, is feeling much better now love!
In my opinion there is nothing for TC to be responsible for and while the rep could have been more sympathetic, there was nothing he could do for you. I'm a rep myself and I would have done the same, written a report but been a bit kinder!
If you want to pursue it, I think you would have to consult with a personal injury specialist and make a claim against the hotel for allowing these cowboys into the hotel to tout for business. However they could argue that you could have quite easily have been stopped in the street/on the beach or whatever.
I doubt people posting in "Complaints" are really concerned with tea and sympathy.
They have a problem and are more concerned with a successful resolution.
I stick by my comment of "Self Inflicted" as that is exactly what it was.
Every reps meeting I have attended has warned about booking anything except via proper channels. Yes, in some cases they are perhaps hoping to gain some recompense in the form of commission.
But they are also giving very good and valid advice.
If this had been booked via the rep or hotel then they would have been able to seek legal redress for their unfortunate experience. It should also be noted that if they had suffered a serious injury it is highly unlikely that their insurance would have covered them.
There have been postings elsewhere on HT warning of the limitations that can apply when booking other than through official channels.
Irrespective of the rights and wrongs I would have expected a far more sympathetic and helpful attitude from the rep.
We all at times do something that with hindsight was unwise - more so on holiday.
The rep does have a duty of care even in a case such as this and I would certainly complain about that.
When posting I endeavour to assist and leave the expressions of sympathy and lurid tales of others too others.
My aim is to assist where I can, but I would be failing badly if I were to post other than facts or a considered opinion.
Why some see the need to ignore the facts and push people to chase compensation, where it is obvious there is no case eludes me.
fwh, I enjoy your posts and quite often you say things I would very much like to myself.
I agree with loubychew and SMa about your posts.
From what I've read, you seem to offer an unbiased view generally backed up by either sensible reasons or by your own experiences.
By the very nature of this particular forum, most people disagreeing with the OP on any thread will not be seen as being helpful or sympathetic.
One question though.....why the double spacing on all your posts?
I agree that it was an unfortunate experience for the OP and I hope that any problems caused by the massage were short-lived.
Maybe a lesson for other people to beware of people offering massages - unless you are sure they really DO know what they are doing. People offering massages on the beach is becoming more and more prevalent in lots of places. I've seen it in Bali, Goa & Thailand and also this year in Zante.
I'm unsure from the OP if the Spa was part of the Pasa Beach Hotel.
bellyballyboo said:
if the hotel management are inviting people offering these types of services, into their hotels - then surley they should be held responisble to some degree!
This may be a really silly analogy, but you know in Tesco, Sainsburys etc where various people after check-out ask if you want double glazing/switch electrity supplier/contribute to a charity - would Sainsbury/Tesco/Asda be responsible if the windows you bought were rubbish or your elec bill was very high or the charity sticker left a mark on your jacket?
Just a thought.

I just don't want other people to have to go through the same experience that is why I have put this on the forum, to warn people and all I can say you don't know how you react when faced with a similar situation until you are in that situation.
But it doesn't stop us from feeling very stupid I guess we trust people too much and just did not expect that from a 5 star complex
Also when we checked into the Apartments we were given a card for the bar with Pasa Beach Hotel on the front of the card, and the manager claimed that the turkish bath rep had never been to that hotel before and it was the first time, we don't believe that, also one of the bar lads actually told another family not to go with this rep but failed to tell us.
I would also check the brochure and see if it makes any mention of this service.
It is not unusual for a TO too advertise facilities available "payable locally" safe, mini bar and water sports are typical examples.
Does it make any mention of the massage?
Whilst it may be payable locally it does not absolve the TO from ensuring that it is "safe"
They have a duty of care and it could be construed that they have checked and approved this service.
If that is the case then it is possible that you do have a case against the TO.
Your contract is with them. If the hotel is offering additional services advertised by the TO they are in effect a sub contractor to the TO and are required to work to the same standards as the TO.
We are going to have a massage now we are back home and just see the difference for ourselves.
fwh - I really don't think your helping and it seems to be your way in a lot of the complaint threads!
Ouch - that's out of order.
I just want to add that like other who have posted above, I enjoy fwh's posts and words of wisdom. He/She (sorry - not sure which!!) summarises well and often gives a fair, sensible and knowledgeable answer to posts.
Carry on fwh...
the young lads took their tops off and said "you want me" and made remarks about my partner
That makes it sound like they were offering some kind of sexual service if so are there not any laws that prevent that in Turkey?
I wonder if the apartment manager is on some kind of commission?
I don't think that you and your partner should feel stupid about accepting this massage.
It's common practice in places like Goa, Bali and Thailand for people to offer massages on the beach and I noticed a few Asian girls in Zante this summer offering massages.
I'd never let anyone mess with my body unless I was sure they knew what they were doing, however in your case going to a Spa hotel you would have every reason to expect the masseur to know what they were doing.
As for this:
inflicted a lot of pain on us both
I had a deep body massage (I can't remember what the proper term for it is) at a Spa in Bali, and that did hurt and I was tender in some places for a while after but after a day or 2 I felt great and went back for a couple more. I wish I could import that lady over here to sort me out once a week!
I hope you're both feeling OK now.
Just seems he/she is very quick to point out how stupid people are!!!
Self inflicted!!! Yeah great reply! Also great words of wisdom!
I was then in the pool and he kept asking me to go to the side of the pool to talk to him... I said "no I'm busy" and so he said OK I'll wait for you and he went and sat on our sun beds for at least 20 minutes waiting for me to get out of the pool. In the end he just went off and done his work. After this happened, about the 5th day in he didn't come no where near me and didn't even say hello to me when I waslked past him.
He was a shortish man about 20 odd years old with big mirrored sun glasses, and slicked back hair. It's a shame because the rest of the holiday was fantastic and he let it down a little bit..
My opinion on any claim is that it isn't something that the tour operator can control. The hotel management allowed these guys to come in (they probably have an arrangement). You did complain, you saw the spa manager and he told you the guys had been sacked. That was the solution at the time to your complaint (even though it sounds as though this manager just paid lip service).
I would be inclined to write formally to the aparthotel manager expressing again your dissatisfaction at their allowing these guys to tout for business on his premises - enough complaints and the practice may stop. I would also write to the hotel where it was carried out as surely on 5* establishment would want to have this sort of bad name hanging over them for a service.
By the way, I do recommend you have a turkish bath next time - there could be an element of the massage you had being painful because they normally carry them out after the bath. You have already had sauna, scrub and a wash down/massage in the turkish bath so your skin and muscles would have been prepared for the massage to follow. However, a 5* place should have the staff in place to carry out whatever you require and adjust it to suit you.
Shabby all around but in my opinion nothing that is reportable to the tour operator.

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