hi all, my wife and i are going to laganas 17th of august, and we will be staying in the cactus apts does anyone have any good up to date information on these apartments. we were in zante 4 years ago and loved it but i just cant see anything about the cactus + any up to date prices on how much it is for a pint = bacardi and coke etc etc, anything would be a bonus, many thanks, john.
You'll pay from €2 to €3 for a pint of local beer, ususally Mythos or Amstel and roughly €3.50 for barcadi and coke, thats going on last years prices.
sorry dont know personaly the apartments.. all i will say is if you use any of the beach bars they are quite expensive [do you know any greek]
we went in one and they were going to charge us 10 evro for 2 large beers till i threw a little greek at them and it came down to 6 evro for the two, if they think that they will get away with it they will try