Oh Mitchellclr, I'm sorry to hear that.
I hope things are going well for you now.
And going away isn't all about getting a tan is it?
My husband has had a few cancerous lumps and moles removed over the years,
and got a really bad chemical burn a few years ago which has left his skin thinner were the burns were,
so he's not allowed to sit in the sun either.
Because of his dad's history, and because he is also covered in moles, my eldest won't sit
in the sun at all either. He comes home the same colour as he went - white.
But going away gives us a chance to unwind, relax make new friends etc doesn't it?
And God knows, I bet you need to relax this year.
You just concentrate on relaxing and enjoying the break with your grandkids!
You'll all have a ball I bet!