Mitchum......spray or roll on. It's available in Boots & Superdrug and is specifically stronger than regular deodorants
I agree, Mitchem is THE best. It's effective you can miss a day. I prefer the unperfumed version then it dosnt interfer with my perfume smell.
I just find the roll on stays wet for ages after putting it on. What does everyone else do?
The best I've used is soft & gentle by palmolive (roll on). It even comes with anti-white marks. I find if I put it on when I come out of the shower, it's dried by the time I'm ready to dress!

I agree, I won't use anything else now.
I prefer the roll on, I think any roll on works better than a spray.
And now there's all this talk about sprays being really bad for you isn't there....

Tesco's has Powder Fresh roll on Mitchum for under £2.00 -dead cheap that!
And the powder fresh doesn't really smell of anything except clean so it doesn't interfere with your
I used to have a big problem wtih wetness and no anti-perspirants worked, not even Mithcum. However I tried Driclor which you can get from the chemist and it was brilliant.
I use Mitchum but have always been confused by the "miss a day" claim. Does it mean you can shower and still miss a day or that you can miss a day if you don't shower? I can't imagine not showering so I never miss a day!
Don't know if I was allergic to it or something so had to abandon it. It was good while it lasted though. Might give it another try and see how I get on.
personally i shower every day and could not go a day without using it, i wouldnt want to put it to the test.
they have brought out the little travel ones this year too, nice and handy.
PerspireX works for me.
Another mitchum fan here too. I wouldn't miss a day either as I shower at least once a day!
Stemma - I find with Driclor that it can make you itch if you use it too often - I find once a week is fine or sometimes longer. Mitchum didn't work for me - but Driclor is great!
I'll try the driclor again I think.
On a similar subject - does anyone know a good way of getting white deodorant stains out of black tops?
Hi Corrine - Dry Cleaning should move it. Depends on how much you paid for it to justify the cost of that of courser. Jenny x
Vinegar is good for a lot of things - might be worth a try - cant imagine it would damage the tops in any way

Although - ive never tried it!, p.s meant to add you use your normal deodarant too, odaban just stops you sweating.
ive used odaban in the past for holiday weather,only need to use once maybe twice a week before going to bed, shower in morning and you will notice a difference immediately, i wouldnt go abroad without it to be honest, have a look here -
Edited by
2008-08-21 07:13:09
A good way of removing white stains from dark clothing is run a tight,pop sock or shoe liner over it and its gone.
pro-age worked very well recently when on holiday in Rhodes,
applied after shower before going out in the evening and it lasted all night without feeling wet or

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