The direct number to Ros's PA Pam is 01922 705134
Or try the switchboard number 01922 633214 and ask for Travel Dept.
Ros is a travel law solicitor who is well known to the TO's and who often assists our members. Ros will give you free advice.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
thankyou glynis it is appreciated
I for one do not object. In days gone it was not a very pretty sight when people came into dinner straight from the beach in a pair of shorts or trunks.
actually was they informed me that 3/4 length trousers were acceptable by the hotel. unfortunately for me i actually believed i was
being told the truth. if i had been advised the dress code meant long trousers then i would have packed accordingly.
Sorry I misread your post. Personally I would have thought them acceptable.
thankyou i appreciate your comments and feedback
I myself am in the process of complaining about this hotel, we went the week after it opened. It was a shambles, there was work going on everywhere.
I even had an email from the hotel that all building work was finished. Toilet didn't work for 3 days, shower leaked no lights in pool area, how this is 4* is beyond me.
I booked via Thirty Five days later and still not response, they told me on Friday that they can request another 28 days if they wish.
Good Luck with your complaint.
while there i took pictures of the place and acording to travel agent they dont seem to matter, i think if we can get in touch with each other we could be able to assist each other in our cases i have posted a post regarding being able to pm you so i can give you my contact details thanks

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