I'm intending to take to court the cowboys who wrongly advised me about buying in India. I've been told I have a good case, as they clearly had an obligation to warn me of the legal pitfalls etc, but I need a copy of the FEMA Regulations 1999 (issued 2000). Does anyone have a copy, or can anyone tell me where I can get hold of one?
Many thanks,
Are you mad? You havent a hope in hell of winning, it will be ages before it gets to court, cost you large amounts of money and cause you lots of stress and sleepless nights. Who told you you had a good case, your indian lawyer?
No, sorry; I didn't make myself clear. The cowboys I'm referring to are an English Company, who I bought through. I've actually cancelled my purchase in Goa, and am in the process of getting my money back from the builders, who've been very helpful. It's the shysters in UK who stitched me up, and I need to show that the instructions and information they gave me was contrary to the regulations in India. It's for those reasons I need a copy of FEMA.
This post had to be edited, as personal or company names should not be mentioned in discussions of this nature.
David HT Mod
David HT Mod
Loads of sites with info if you google it.
http://www.britishexpats.com and search for FEMA. There should be lots of links to FEMA, particularly in the Buyer Beware thread.
If you don't already know about it, go to the Goa pages of
Thanks for the info. I have already been on the Britishexpats site. I can find lots of quotes from FEMA on lots of sites, but I really need a full copy of the Regs to make a case in court. So anyone able to help me?
http://www.femaonline.com May be that will give you the info you need. Good Luck.
I have just googled Fema regs India and got this site
Thanks x

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