Hello out there,
If someone can help i booked my brother on some flights to Tenerife with Futura with Airflights they have rung him to give him the news and they have rebooked it he got a conformation of booking and this is with AEA does anyone know who or what this is.
Thanks Wendy
In your case, your brother has been booked onto an Air Europa flight. It is the largest private Spanish airline, which like Futura is based in Palma de Mallorca.
AEA also stands for Association of European Airlines
Thanks for your relpy I have been looking on Manchester airport website does anyone know what the code is for AEA need to know what terminal he flies from
Thanks again Wendy
Why not look up Manchester Airport's website - all airlines and their terminals are listed there.
does anyone know what the code is for AEA need to know what terminal he flies from
Like I've already said, it stands for Air Europa Airlines = AEA...that is the code.
AEA fly from Terminal 2
For our Air Europa Q&As topic,