We didn't arrive until after 10pm and very nearly missed it, even though the satnav said we had reached our destination.
It is behind the Little Chef and you need to take the road / driveway between the Little Chef and the garage and drive behind the Little Chef. It is easily seen in daylight but not well lit at night.( well, not if you don't know it is there, if you know what I mean)
It was basic but clean. It is a two storey building. There isn't a cafe etc on the premises but there are the vending machines for snacks. The Little Chef is open until early evening if you dont want to travel too far but I was told by others that there are some nice restaurants in Dumfries centre itself.
Toilettries are not provided but can be purchased if need be. No phone but tv and drink making facilities and can get tray top -ups for free.
We had booked the 'breakfast to go' deal when we booked on line and this was delivered to the room at the time agreed with reception and comprised of a little plastic bag with a smoothie, cereal bar, container with cereal and longlife milk and a large dispo cup with PG tips tea bag, sugar, milk pot etc. I think this was about £4.50 each but we booked it, not knowing what the area would be like where we would be staying, in relation to cafes etc.
Anyway, we decided to have breakfast on the morning after our arrival at the Little Chef and met up with with another couple of friends staying at the same hotel who were attending the wedding.
The following morning, our friends suggested instead of going to the Little Chef, to drive into Dumfries to the local Morrison's Supermarket for breakfast. We dined like kings, had a very substantial breakfast for a princely......£14.50 for four!! At the Little Chef, our breakfast for four, ( with lesser amounts) cost us £34.70.
If anyone else wants to try the cafe at the Morrison's, take the first exit off the roundabout when coming out of the carpark at the Travelodge, drive about 5 minutes and the supermarket is on the right hand side.
We had a lovely time at the wedding but I was bitten by the scottish 'midges' and the resultant swellings to my legs were on a par to the bites I have had when bitten by the tiger mossies in Venice. Very painful

Lesson learned - will use insect repellant in future, irrespective where I am going.