hi all, flying from east midlands in a couple of months never been from there before always flown from manchester so used to a big airport with loads of facillities, was wondering what ema is like im only really expecting a bit of a shed with not much there at all. if anyone can through anymore light onto what it is like, whats there or prefabrally some photos i would be eternally greatfull. thanks
This is the airport's website. That should give most of the information you will need :-
The new East Midlands Parkway railway station opened today. Located just off the M1 and just a few miles from EMA it will be served by 100 trains a day. A shuttle bus will operate from the station to EMA and so will be an alternative to the bus service from Nottingham or Leicester stations. News story here:-
http://parkwaystation.co.uk/EMTrains/Parkway where there are details of an offer for £5 tickets to London for travel until 26th March.
Anyone using the dreadful http://www.Nationalrail.co.uk journey planner can save typing by using the station code of EMD in the appropriate box. If they ever get round to loading the bus times into the database the airport itself is XMT.
It's also featured at Anyone using the dreadful http://www.Nationalrail.co.uk journey planner can save typing by using the station code of EMD in the appropriate box. If they ever get round to loading the bus times into the database the airport itself is XMT.
i know your not allowed to take liquids into airports, but what about food, ive just heard what meal we will likely be having and sounds revolting, could i take sandwiches from home into the airport and then onto the plane?
Yes, Most airlines allow you to take your own food on-board. As for liquids you can take any on-board and consume any non-alcoholic liquids you have bought after the security point.
You can take food items through security for consumption on aircraft. Airlines have no problem in you taking your own packed lunches. There are restrictions on importing certain food items in to some countries so it must be obvious it is for consumption during the flight. For more information on taking things in hand luggage, refer to our dedicated Hand Luggage thread. There are strict restrictions on liquids. These are best purchased once through security or onboard the aircraft (cheaper in the airport!).
does anyone know how long car park 7 will be shut for, booked a space there in a few weeks and web site says to be redirected to cp6, will there be enough space and have they stopped takeing bookings
According to the website CP7 is shut for essential maintenance - I would have thought that anything more than a couple of weeks would require the airport to plan in advance, so I wouldn't worry too much. You could always try phoning to see if they have an estimated end date. The number for the airport is 0871 919 9000, but I'm not sure if that covers the car parks as well. Don't know if they are still taking bookings, try doing a fake booking on the website and see what it says.
Anyone got promo code for car parking at eastmidlands airport?
Airparks - code ws571 = 7.5% off
try this one and you should get 10% discount - may depend on when you go - give it a go - costs you nothing !! Should also show other carparks in the area - also with discounts !!!
ps - this link allows you to price up for other airports other than EMA.
pps - remember to scroll down to see all of the options, the top one isn't always the cheapest !
we have an early flight from east midlands, can anyone tell me what time duty free shop is open please, i have looked on the web site and drawn a blank...
thanks for the quick reply
"¢Dalaman (Turkey)
"¢Paphos (Cyprus)
"¢Sharm El Sheikh (Egypt)
More details on Jet2's website.
Anybody know when the Ryanair 'bag drop' process gets introduced at EMA - thought it was around now but keen to find out when, we fly next Tuesday and unusually will be taking a suitcase with us to checkin so will have to go through this procedure.
Hi Chris .... from tomorrow (1 October) check-in desks will no longer be available at any Ryanair airport, leaving passengers with checked luggage to use the bag drop desks.
Thanks David. Hopefully by next week any initial problems, should there be any, will have been resolved. Well here's hoping !

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