Hi Hi-De-Hi.
Landing is more dangerous than take-off, mainly because machine is more reliable than man and altough the aircraft maybe more stressed on take-off, there is actually more skill involved from a human point on landing and human error accounts for most airline accidents.
The second graph on the link below shows the accident rates for the various phases of the flight
Flying is so safe in comparison to other modes of transport that these types of graphs have to be kept in perspective.
Very few take offs are done with full power; there is plenty of power in hand on a normal take off as the aircraft has to be able to climb away should an engine fail.
If it's any help to those who get worried about what all the sudden noises are and a fear of flying course is too expensive or not convenient, try MicroSoft Flight Simulator. Then you should be able to recognise the undercarriage or flaps moving without thinking the wing just snapped. Not so useful if the fear is claustrophobia.
And going back to boredom during the flight, if you've got the relevant navigational files you can check the likely routes before you go and try to spot the turns during the real flight. Call me sad but at least it's something you can do to pass the time that doesn't need space.
Like other people don't mind the flight but just hate the airport experience, when are they going to treat us like customers and not a herd of cattle. Without us they wouldn't have a job so a bit of respect would be nice. If I could travel any other way I would - bring on the tardis!!
last timegoing though check out they asked were we were staying

charlei35 we have a long thread on fear of flying with lots of usefull info get a cup of tea or a glass of something stronger and hve a read through
I don't mind flying at all,don't like or dislike it i just do it lol
It makes me a little nervous when I may have a flight coming up, but not scared though.

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