£1.00 now = e1.18.
And falling........
Not long now £1.00 = e1.00
Hi M&N, when are you going to Malta again ?.
We arrived back from Malta on Monday and are now both in a depressed state. Back over there for Xmas/New year and flying with EasyJet for the first time as they turned out to be half the price of Air Malta. Pity!
Seems that the £ is sinking fast against the euro. Do you reckon when the UK gets out of this recession mess that seems to be affecting most of the world that there will be a recovery?
If not I reckon it's time to look for hols abroad outside countries in the eurozone cause we poor Brits just won't be able to afford to visit places like Malta. A shame since we'll miss this wonderful place but we have to look at what we can economically afford and what we can't and I think you'd agree with that!
Seems that the £ is sinking fast against the euro - I think the worst is over (and to put into some context, £ has only lost 5% v the € since we started this discussion - it was 1.245 when I said it would hit 1.40 rather than 1, and still stick to that)
Let's hope you're right Mark. I was talking to one of our Maltese friends last week and she said how expensive the food is now. We'll have to go all inclusive on our next visit to Malta.
Thanks for your replies. Yes Mark I do think the UK is suffering badly regarding the value of its currency against other currencies but the plain facts are that you can only have what you can afford so if it's the case that I can't afford to go elsewhere even outside the euro zone then it's time to discover what's available in the UK even though it's often wet & cold.
I shall be interested to see the effect fewer folks opting to go abroad for their holidays will have on the viability of airlines and tour operators in the coming future?
Local tour operators in the UK will suffer but international ones won't if most of their business is outside the UK.
Cost wise, eating out is similar or slightly less than in Germany, so it's not expensive if you are used to that or really any Eurozone country. In restaurants Pizza is around 7 euros (still under £6), pasta about the same price, so even for the Brits it's still good value when you consider a yucky Dominos take-out pizza in the UK costs at least £10.
Me & my mum had a great Maltese dinner with bottle of wine, large bottle of water, starters, one fresh fish main course, one meat main course - all for 45 euros for two. That's £38 for two! I consider that great value and that's with the state of the £ - so Malta still isn't expensive because for the same in the UK you would be paying at least £50+ and here you also get a better view

bottle of wine, large bottle of water, starters, one fresh fish main course, one meat main course - all for 45 euros for two
Not just a better view but also bigger and fresher portions

you can only have what you can afford so if it's the case that I can't afford to go elsewhere even outside the euro zone then it's time to discover what's available in the UK even though it's often wet & cold. - thats what I meant (I just didn't word it very well)
given how expensive it is to holiday in the UK anyway, I guess alot of people in the UK will be foregoing their second or first holiday in 2009, and staying at home...
Trev - given how expensive it is to holiday in the UK anyway, I guess alot of people in the UK will be foregoing their second or first holiday in 2009, and staying at home...
I do think we are noticing a difference becuase the £ has dropped so sharp against everything else though so that does make it more expensive.
£1.00 now = e1.12. At PO's
Should be a good boost to tourism then.
A number of posts have been removed from this topic.
We made a money transfer last week to the Bank of Valetta to pay for our accomodation in Gozo for 2 weeks in Marselforn. it was 166 euro's which equated to £141. The exchange rate worked out at 1.177 for us but I know it has fallen lower since then. I don't know what will happen if there is ever parity and how it will affect the Maltese tourist industry.
Bank rates are better than tourist rates. How much did you pay for the transaction?
I think if we are going to be spending more time over in Malta/Gozo it may be wise to open a bank account over there. Is it easy enough to do?
This morning it was announced that the £ was at its lowest lever ever against the Euro. 1 = 1.12 and falling.
I am sure it will hit the tourist industry hard..it must do.
This is what a lot of tourist are now receiving in exchange
After commission and handling fees were charged, customers at some airports got just 197.13 euros for £200 on Saturday.
source :- http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7782234.stm
interbank rate is 1.115 as I type (which is what anyone with a Nationwide debit card can get) - still 10% to go before I lose
o.k, you bandit, it,s over, pay up or it,s pistols at dawn.

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