We have taken our teens twice to hilton sharks bay during the easter school holidays. they loved it there as there were plenty of english teenagers when we were there . whilst there wasnt a great deal for them to do of any evening in the hotel they were happy to have a drink , sit and chat and hang out with the shisha pipes(sorry spelling

.The older teens normally went into naama bay with members of the animation team after midnight . They were well looked after and normally went to the hard rock cafe where there seems to be plenty going on . If yours are old enough to do that on their own its very cheap and easy to get there.
I dont know anything about the louis tiran other than its looks very nice im afraid but you shouldnt have a problem over the school summer holidays . not been at that time of year although I do know it will be VERY HOT but most seem to cope fine and it is a dry heat.
I would take care to choose your hotel carefully . maybe choose one that has a nightclub if they like a dance although there is no guarantee there wont be only 3 people in it

as they found this year in nuweiba. We have booked the sonesta beach club for next easter and whilst the reviews are a little mixed Im hoping it will give my teens what they need . its within walking distance of naama bay and there is also a nightclub. trouble with mine is it takes them a week to loosen up enough to talk to others and by that time its too late.