Hi Les
no we got a prescription from our doctor (the chemist has to order them in) and i think they were about £8 pp for the full course and because they are anti-biotics they protect your gut from bacteria, not sure if you can get them in Goa
We are taking the doxycycline this time, not tried it before, but the Chloroquine and Proguanil made me sick. Didn't take anything last March, but have got a bit scared of the reports of malaria. I was told not to lie down for an hour after taking them to avoid the heartburn. They cost £9.50 for the course, will see if I can get them in Goa, if they are OK, ready for March.
This may have been said before - but we found the best way to avoid side affects was to take them before bed (if you can remember)
I have never finished a course of malaria tablets as they don't agree with me, and the last 2 years I have not took them at all and by luck have not been bit , but what I do use is Boots mosquito spray containing Deet, I do know the risk involved and I would recomend malaria tablets (thats if you can stomach them of course!)..

We always wear Jungle Formula Insect repellent and up until last year I've still been bitten. Someone told me that mosquitoes are attracted to perfume. I didn't wear any last year (only wore my Jungle Formula Insect Repellent) didn't get bitten once.
Yes your right about the wearing of perfume(for me anyway) I always get bitten but in march i did'nt wear any perfume and noticed i did'nt get bites.
Must say I get bitten more in Greece than I do in Goa, don't know what by but something likes me. Can't go without my perfume though, don't feel dressed.
I still swear by Avon skin so soft oil. Always wear it and don't get bitten. Think they may slide off too quick, to have chance to bite!
The Skin so Soft has stopped working for me. I used boots own tropical formula last year, in the whole 3 weeks not one bite.
I use Skin So Soft Body Wash and Oil and they seem to work more or less for me, only get the odd bite which I put tea tree oil and lavender onto and they soon clear up.
Does anyone know if I can buy Malarone in North Goa?? I do have my prescription for here, and almost fainted at the prices quoted to me. Too late really to buy online because of the Xmas post, we are off from Gatwick on 3rd Jan.
Geri if I was you I would go back to the DR and see if they will give you a prescription for Doxycycline if you dont want to pay for the Malarone. They are loads cheaper, I paid £17 for 2 of us for 3 weeks.
We were told a couple of weeks ago that the chemist in Calangute sold Malarone! So off I went to enquire. Was told yes they did sell it and it was only 9 rups per strip. Went back the next day and checked it out again and it wasn't Malarone but "Malanorm" their brand name for proguanil. Be careful, as they would have sold it to me as Malarone had I not looked at the box carefully. Agree with Elliebee, the doxycycline is brill. If you can get enough to cover you for the first few days here on prescription, you can buy the rest out in Goa, much much cheaper.
took the tabs on first visit 5 years ago and felt really queasy, so not taken them on last 4 visits but with all the scares recently think I will take them in Jan when go again. Will take them at night as suggested and hope for the best. Better safe than sorry!!
Are there many mosquitos about this season? wondering if its worth taking the tablets or to rely on the skin so soft by avon as in previous years
Dont ask anybody to tell you its ok not to take anti maleria tabs as imho
they cannot answer for you
you are correct, GM06 Ian is asking should I take a pill to save my life or do I not take them, there is no contest in the question and in the past I see comments to buy in India when you get there, lots of posts saying buy your tablets at a fraction of what you pay here in England, me I get a private prescription here as I remember a documentary a few years back showing factories/outlets making medicines but they where not what they where on the labeling, dont know if anyone can remember the documentary it was like a channel 4 dispatches documentary, so for what it is worth and I feel so strongly on this topic please take my advice and take the precautions as prevention is better than cure, an old saying but it is "FACT"...jxk8
Apparently any insecticide with deet in it is dangerous to health and they have been banned in some countries.We left a bottle in a suitcase and it leaked and melted the plastic. Makes you wonder what's in it !
Lots of people have recommended taking Vitamin B tablets or having Marmite everyday as that deters mosquitos.
Personally, I wouldn't take a chance on not taking anti malarial tablets.

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