Alternatively, how much would an upgrade cost you with Monarch? Sure it would still be less than £350. Plus, you are stopping for a 'leg stretch' so it may not be that bad with Monarch.
You have definitely found a bargain

Of the two, it would be First Choice (Thomson Airways) hands down for me, although there's a clear difference in price which is really the deciding factor. Given the length of flight, the onboard facilites on TOM's Boeing 767-300/ER's are better than onboard Monarchs aircraft (Airbus A300B4-605R). You'll have seat back IFE and 33" seat pitch compared to 30" and ceiling mounted screens, so far comfier. I've done up to 4.5 hours on one and it was comfy enough, but I wouldn't want to do over double that given the choice. I went across the Atlantic on an equivelent aircraft and it wasn't pleasant . Refer to the dedicated First Choice and Monarch threads for more detials.
FC would win hands downs
I agree with first choice but i'm going on friday with monarch. - and i paid loads more money that that!
Although i would say FC without a doubt, but for £350 savings I would grin and bear it
I paid £1400 for the scheduled flights and am being refunded most of that so whichever way I'm saving. The FC is from East Mids and Monarch from Manchester. Going to make a decision in the nect half hour and book it.....then theres no going back.
I went for the cheap one ! Nearly booked First choice/Thomson then after adding on credit card surcharges and bags etc.it was £400 more so decided I could cope with being squashed. Never watch the Tvs anyway .......thanks again to everyone.
Glad to hear you are sorted Sim1. I will close this topic now to reduce duplication, but if there are any further questions about your flight, please feel free to post in the existing airline topic which Darren has linked to above.

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