The Good :The 'Local' people are polite, friendly and happy, (there are however many 'outsiders' who were not, more of that later) The Weather (early Nov) was wonderful and we watched the sunset on the beach every evening. The beaches were wide with nice sand and plentiful shacks open with sunbeds.
The food was nothing short of spectacular, best curries I have ever tasted and I have tasted many. Prices were eyewateringly low, meals out for 2 £8, rum and Coke 50p, local beer (Kingfisher) and Brandy (Honeybee) were very good.
Our chosen beachshack (waggamamma's)was excellent, we also found the best taxi driver in Candolim (I kid you not !) I will happily provide anyone who PM's me with 'Sergios' tel no and highly recommend him (No I am not on commision)
The Bad : There were timeshare touts at regular intervals on scooters and they were very persistent (pita) on the beaches you were approached by vendors approx every 5 mins selling, jewellery, foot massage, manicure, pedicure, fruit, nuts, blankets (yes!) sari's, t'shirts, sunglasses etc, if you asked just 1 to stop so you could take a look, every vendor for 100 yards would stop, sit down and thrust there own produce at you (wot a pain !) saying, doya wanna look at my cheap shit mayte ?they would scatter like pidgeons when the police walked along.(once or twice a day) all conversations are held a very high volume, I always thought they were arguing ? there are children on the beach (with mothers nearby) begging. Cows and Dogs (and there poo) are literally everywhere, Dirt, dust and discarded rubbish are also everywhere, this is set fire too when it becomes a nuicance, hence bonfires and smells everywhere ! and you can smell the fishmarket for miles. Approx every 10 metres you walk someone will shout 'TAXI' at you.
The Ugly : The drivers were truly appaling and dangeroes, especially the buses, these were equiped with force fields which is engaged by the VERY loud horns, Goan/Indian drivers/riders and there are a great number use there horns to communicate..beeeeep hello...beeep gercha...beeeep..TAXI !

There are groups of Indian men walking along the beach 'Gawping' at pale skinned girls, even asking for photo's with them, It did'nt seem sexual just disbelief ! Sadly we had to visit the Hospital when there and whilst the doctor was efficient and fast, the filth was disgusting, we had to insist that sheets were changed and hands washed and they looked surprised to be told ! Oh and dont even think about using the hospital toilet, my partner said she did not believe this had been cleaned since it was built.

I really hope this helps and does'nt put people off as we still had a nice time and I would 'Think' about returning but not soon.