Trailfinders in Manchester have reserved all her flights and put together her itinerary including accommodation, tours and some group tours with other travellers in some destinations.
Her 1st flight left Manchester for Heathrow with her onward connection departing Heathrow to Cape Town.
Had I had her itinerary in advance, I would have spotted their mistake and none of this would have happened. Instead, she had a missed flight right at the very start of her long solo trip!
- They booked her on the 17.20hrs flight from Manchester to Heathrow (arriving 18.20hrs)
Her onward flight from Heathrow to Cape Town was scheduled to depart at 19.20hrs
They left her with just 1 hour to transfer from the Manchester flight, check in and board the Cape Town flight.

Needless to say, she missed the connection forcing her into a 24hr layover at Heathrow and forking out for a night in a hotel she didn't want!

Of course, at that time of the evening there was nobody to assist and when she telephoned Trailfinders the next day - they've told her she can claim on her insurance!!!!

Why the hell should she, when this was quite clearly Trailfinders error???

This is supposed to be an experienced outfit who specialise in round the world travel and independent holidays!
This was supposed to be a fantastic journey for her to celebrate the end of an era in UK and her last chance at being able to take such a trip. Now, all she has to worry about is that they haven't cocked anything else up along the way

The problem is, how should she start this complaint as she won't be back in UK till mid November and a few days later she will be moving out to join us to start a new life in Cyprus?