... that despite all the bad comments and the worries surrounding Goa i'm still very excited about my Hols!
The way I look at it numbers will be down this season.. even in Feb so they will be trying that bit harder to get my money. And I'll just have to be that bit more vigilant that people don't take advantage. Everything else will remain the same.
Breathtaking Sun Sets over an amazing horizon!
Exploring the costal roads to find your own little piece of paradise
Seeing people in their little villages happily living there lives in completely different ways to us
Great Bars and Restaurant
Tasting many different varieties of food and never having to worry about the cost
Being able to completely forget all your worries back home
Warm sea, amazing weather and nice breeze
Some people are fake there is no denying it but there are so many more genuinely nice people to meet in Goa.
Ok i'm not going over Christmas and New Year and there must be some very disappointed people who have paid a premium to go at this time and it won't be at its best.. But there is so much more to Goa than a few parties on the beach..
If your reading this and its your first time don't worry. It will be a culture shock at first but once you relax and get into the goan way of things you'll hopefully love the place! I know I do!
I've got plenty of trips planned for this year and I have a feeling it'll be my best holiday EVER!
only thing they missed was ingos, but they went to anjuna and said it was packed..despite what had happened,they said it was the best holiday the had had...
and are going back...

I pretty certain most people will find this. Certainly in the new year anyway. All the markets etc should be back up and running by then too.
mardon wrote:All the markets etc should be back up and running by then too.

I totally agree, we are going for 3 weeks on the 20th of February and I am as excited now as I was the first time I went and this is my seventh time.
Thats my Birthday! I'll be at hampi at that point I think.
Hey I'll have a cheeky kingfisher to celebrate your birthday in that case.
we need more "mardon's". this is the attitude we need lately. I have waited for my holiday for a year, hardworking year. I will not let it spoiled by ....... whatever. I know, the holiday will beat everything I hoped for. I know!
Newcomers dont let misguide yourselves. You must be careful - but hey! where is the place today where you do not have to?!
Elephant, i totally agree! Going on Sunday, been going for the last 10 years and can't wait. Mardon does have the right attitude, plus i think he is looking forward to a romantic holiday!
I read another post by someone saying they like conflicting things. I'm much the same and I think goa is quite unique in what it offers. You can have all the madness and hustle and bustle of the markets. The clubs and bars Mambo's was great last year (as was the management - despite being connected with Titios). At the same time jump in a cab and you can find a quiet spot for just you and your thoughts.
I do love to take my life in my own hands and have an explore on the mopeds. I find the coast roads very quite and travelling from village to village just looking is a real highlight for me.
I should be amazing! I really can't wait. Should have some photographs to really show off some of the best that Goa can offer. (Just need to find a family member with a decent camera I can borrow)

I wasn't going to go back for a while as I don't like doing repeat holidays but I have changed my mind and think we will get two trips out of this VISA just to demonstrate support. After all it takes some beating in terms of value for money and guaranteed sunshine.

It was my fifth time but first on my own....all of you still waiting to go ...I am sooooo jealous. Once I get over my post holiday blues

the exitement hasn't waned in all the times we've been. in fact, i get more exited each time we go.


Me and the OH are flying out on Thursday and will be there for 3 weeks. We were also over there last year for Christmas and New Year. I think you're probably right that during the Christmas period we won't see Goa at its best. The beach parties for New Year have been cancelled but what the heck we're on holiday and don't have to celebrate on the beach to have a good time.
I think that if we all go out there with the attitude it's not gonna be the same we could think ourselves into a depressing holiday. So like you Mardon it's better say I've worked damned hard for this holiday and I'm gonna party hard and enjoy it.
I certainly intend to. Is there really a better alternative than friendly people, lots of sunshine and good food. I can't think of one.
As long as we can buy a drink and I'm sure we will, as long as the sun shines and I'm sure it will and as long as most of the people are friendly and I'm sure they will be we're gonna have a ball.
I have only one decision to make - Waterfalls or not - Will my old back stand up to the jeep ride. Thanks for your advice on a different thread.
if i were you, a fellow back sufferer, i'd forget the waterfalls!!! rough terrain on a jeep, i couldn't bear it.


At last a positive posting about Goa from someone who is savvy enough to accept Goa for what it is.
I've said it before and i'll say it again, go to Goa for what it has to offer, winter sun, fun, wonderful people and of course, value for money.
It's when some people, and by some it's mainly those that have been visiting for years, become embroiled in the internal affairs and politics. Forget it. It has nothing to do with us, and we would never fully understand.
Why gripe about the baksheesh (backhander) system. it's not some bloke making a quick "buck". I'ts an expected daily occurence in a culture built on it.
Rubbish, pollution and what we see as people on the poorer side of life, once again, nothing to do with us, but as a caring human being, i know it's sometimes hard to ignore, but ignore it we should.
This is their culture. A way of life centered around a caste system that is still alive and kicking, and as strong as ever, Ghandi or no Ghandi.
Maybe it's the warmth of the Goan, and if fact Indian people that endears us to them, that we feel we have to voice opinions in the hope of changing things.
Okay, we know this is a holiday forum and there is nothing wrong whatsoever about sharing opinions on what changes we would like to see, and in some cases, changes we wish we had'nt. But to interfere and criticise, i don't contribute to that, and neither should anyone who keeps returning year after year, you should by now "know the score".
Take and treat Goa for what it is, a wonderful winter sun holiday destination.
Spend your tourist pound, help the economy and local populace, have fun, plenty of laughs.......get a tan. But that's it!!! Period !!!!!
We are not backpackers writing a travelogue for Lonley Planet, or a crew doing a documentary for National Geographic, we are holidaymakers on the wing, and Goa is still a destination for a wonderful time.
My sentiments exactly Eddie101.
Mine too!! Thanks for that!!
Some of you may or may not know that last year's holiday was not quite what I was expecting. I still wasn't put off going back. The pros of a Goan holiday IMO far outweigh the bad. I think we just need to be a little more vocal about them. Especially at a time like this. Goa's tourism is in trouble for a variety of reasons. I know were only one small forum but I bet we have a lot of visitors daily that are looking onto booking a holiday that never sign up but do read the posts. Hows it going to look to them? We surely not making a bad situation any better.
I just can't wait to get back over there. I'm taking someone with me that I really care about and can't wait to see her reactions. Good and bad (the first taxi ride is priceless!! :D).

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