With the credit crunch, all ready started, and possible looks like getting worse
If holiday firms base the cost of a holiday on the current currency price, and with the Euro being so low
What is 2010 going to hold for the holiday industry, usualy I get round to booking for 2010 round April/May but this year I might just hold of and see what happens, especialy if my expenditure has to increase, holiday costs, currency
How will this affect the actual cost of holidays, will holidays cost more or less. Will we holiday somewhere else, apart from europe, maybe New Zealand
2010 for me will be back to having holidays in the UK as our passports are due to be renewed in Jan 2010 and at the moment I have no intention of renewing them.
I have both Edinburgh and Ireland in the pipeline for the "future", but after I've been there I do think I would like to travel further afield as I feel I've done most of the UK?
The collapse of companies in 2008 and the amalgamations will reduce choice. The major TOs will no doubt retrench - with things as they are we need to consider we are not the only country with businesses closing down. Tourism is not high on the list of many people. The tourist industry in many countries works on numbers and I can see many hotels closing if they cannot get the utilisation. It is not just school holidays, but those such as us that go off peak. We will be taking one less holiday this year - not much in the great scheme, but multiply it by several thousand people and the numbers start to get serious. Hotels may make their profit in the peaks but need the off peak trade to make the business viable.
An example from the UK when the smoking ban came in. A local pub had a good trade between 5.00pm and 7.00pm and the newsagent next door was busy at the same time. Because people could not smoke in the pub they went straight home. The result was both businesses lost a great deal of trade and closed down - the fine line between making a living and making a loss. If people have to reduce their number of holidays then you will get the same result.
I dont think the outlook for 2010 is very good at all holidaywise. I was going to have two holidays this year, but cant even bring myself to book one 'just in case' something goes wrong with our jobs. I might hang on and book something last min. I feel the recession will be a long one, so cant bring myself to think about 2010. at the end of the day the morgage is a priority over a holiday.
Think I'll be with you on that Sun Holiday Doepsmc. I've been thinking about 2010,and don't think we'll be able to afford to go abroad so have been looking at this years uk holiday prices just to give me an idea for next year. Our last UK hol (during school summer hols) cost £465 in a caravan in Dorset 3 years ago, based on this years prices the cheapest is £650. That's a massive increase and I'm just not sure it's worth it to be honest. That's a private booking, if you book through Haven your looking at £850 for a week in a basic caravan. I can't see people paying it, surely they'll have to put prices down?


I'm getting depressed now
LOL Lyn, I am sure you will still try and keep the travel and tour operators busy in 2010. You can look on it as doing your bit to keep the economy afloat.
Well I'm trying not to think about it yet. I couldn't bear it if I thought I wouldn't be able to have a holiday. Suppose nobody knows what's around the corner at the moment though

I suppose as with many of us its all about the way I feel . My holidays are always booked when i'm in a positive mood . I do a little worrying before thinking " Oh

well if all goes to plan after this year i wont need another holiday abroad as we are hoping to relocate to one of the canary islands to live.
I think more people with kids will be getting into trouble with the schools next year. I don't normally like to take mine out of school if I can help it, but if it's the only way we'll get a holiday next year then I'll do it. I think a family holiday is really important and can't imagine going a whole year without one.

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