we had a holiday may/june last year at the aegean dream hotel in turgutreis with portland part of thomsons. lots of problems occurred on this holiday, i will try and explain in detail as much as im allowed to mention and hope this will help someone having similar problems we did. i did mention this on the turkish aegean dream thread last year but due to me going through Ros i couldnt mention everything in detail.
no childrens menu, despite website advertising a kids menu, there were lots of complaints re this from other people as well as us, we complained to customer services who did nothing, restaurant manager who blamed the chef, our rep who told us to complain to the hotel manager, we did this and got a mouthful of abuse and were told to move hotels if we didnt like the food, i rang thomsons to report this as it was very upsetting and embarrassing being shouted at in reception full of guests, the rep apologised and said we shouldnt have been spoken to like that, eventually after about 8 days they put on a kids menu, which consisted of, chips, pasta, burger and chicken, that was it, same every day and no desserts ice cream etc.
food was very repetitive and every day it was turkey cooked in different ways, i didnt expect to be living on turkey only holidaying there. the breakfast was fine, lunch not too bad,average , but the main problem was evening meals, if you like salads and turkey and chips covered in sauces then you would be fine, there was no nice plain beef, lamb or steak, the occasional lamb was just bones and fat, but it was mainly turkey. desserts were turkish and some days cereals for desserts, now who wants cornflakes for dessert, food was well below 5* standard compared to other all incs ive stayed in.
there was a sharp piece of metal left sticking out of the bar and my daughter leant against it and it ripped a chunk of skin off her ankle which bled heavily, drs were closed so we had to make do, very dangerous, she still has a scar from this incident.
hubby and i in the first week after about 4 days came down with turkey tummy for about 4 days, ellie was fine as she had just lived on rice and bread that first week, we had eaten nor drunk anywhere else so it had to be something we had eaten in the ADR.
we had a very awful incident the last day of our stay, were my 8 yr old daughter and 2 friends she had made went to get a free ice cream from counter they opened for an hr every other day, some turkish man grabbed my daughters friend first took her ice cream off her and tried to pull her to 1 side she managed to get away so then he grabbed ellies hand, she broke free and came running to the private beach where we were, with this man chasing after her, he tried to ask us if he could take photos of ellie, she was wearing a bikini at the time, hubby told him to clear off, but he didnt and was very persistant til my hubby got up and shouted at him , hubby then reported him to security who said they recognised him he was local and funny in the head and told us to tell the girls to shout no at him, i then asked security to ring the police which they refused to do, they didnt seem worried about this incident but i found it very worrying,especially when another british man came up and said he had tried to do the same to his daughter. so anyone going to turgutreis with kids please keep an eye out incase this man is still about .
pool with the slide was so dirty after i leaned against the side 1 day my swimsuit got covered in grime, i had photos of this for proof, also 1 day some child went to the toilet in the pool, which wasnt emptied although closed for a few hrs, hence we never went back in there again

we wrote a complaint to thomsons and got a £100 voucher off our next holiday, which we refused, that was an insult, after getting no where with thomsons, we contacted Ros who took our case up for us , we booked a court date which was next week and today i received a chq from them, it was settled out of court, it was less than Ros and i expected but the risk was too high so we agreed, we ended up with about 1/3rd back after paying Ros's fees and we also got our £175 court costs back. i think it works out something like 60% for flights 40% for accommodation.
this hotel does get mixed reviews and seems to get worst reviews at the beginning and the end of the season, but if this report helps 1 person from going through all the problems we did it will be worth it, especially the incident with my daughter, i would hate for this to happen to anyone else