No I don't - I mean 3,000
That is what the rate was when I first visited Turkey many years ago. I also remember when it was nearly 3 million but that wasn't so long ago.
I have never been any where in the world where beer/lager was that price.
In case anyone is wondering where these bars are,they are Buffaloes and Venice in Icmeler.
Lots of others were charging 2TL.
Saying it as you said would lead people to believe the price you said would infact still be available.
October prices are always different as 99% of bar restauraunts close completely for 6 months.
My post was to reply to the suggestions that beer/lager was dearer in Turkey than London.
It doesnt matter to me how much it costs as I dont drink,but my hubby prefers to drink in bars that are not charging over the odds,whether in Turkey or at home.

I am not sure of the month but I think it was during the summer months.
Maybe Red Rhino can confirm if he sees this thread.
Champion Bar were chargeing 2TL for large bottles and they didnt do draught beer.
Buffalo Bar always does the cheapest beer in Icmeler not counting the Venices discount at the end of last season,the Venice price is usualy 3-4 YTL a btle/pint.
Jay Trip wrote:We paid 1TL last October which on the rate of 2.53TL was less than 40p.
I have never been any where in the world where beer/lager was that price.
In case anyone is wondering where these bars are,they are Buffaloes and Venice in Icmeler.
Lots of others were charging 2TL.
Yep I was in Marmaris last October ,but spent most days in Icmeler.
Spent most of my drinking time in the Venice on the canal 1lira for a efes,

Yes I know to watch the barmen like hawks when it comes any spirits. This is quite common though on the beach front bars ie them forgetting to putting alcohol in your drink, I just wonder how many people are scammed each year by this in Marmaris! I appreciate alcohol by the bottle is expensive but not putting it in your drink when you have paid for it is terrible, but saying that once you say them they are like elephants and don't forget! Oh and then they try and give you free shots to keep quiet lol
I think you are generalising there. Not all barmen "forget" to put spirits in drinks, ony a few dodgy ones. My husband was a barman in Turkish resorts and he never did anything like that.
And here's me thinking the Barman's paid to put the Spirit in the drink Kedi, Anyone that buys any spirits thats put in their drinks ask to see it being poured at the table you sit at, That way their is no forgetting whatsoever, I normally sit at the bar or as close to it as possible and watch them, Even in my local in Icmeler (Where I pour my own drinks) I watch the owner pour the drinks for other customers and he short charges every single time, No im not going to say where, Just use the above tip.
rwb46 wrote:And here's me thinking the Barnan's paid to put the Spirit in the drink Kedi,

I'm sure my husband can't be the only honest barman in Turkey

I also have to say that I have never sat and watched anyone pour out my drinks and although I don't really drink spirits now, when I have done they were always so strong I have had to ask them to be topped up with mixer as they seemed to be mostly spirit

i have to agree with kedi, in the 4 years ive been going to marmaris ive always had my drinks a bit too strong actually-yuck!i also have to say my hubby ensures its correct measures that are put in in any place he works as he knows how much we tourists spend on hols and going out so its only right to get our moneys worth!if anything when he makes cocktails he often makes a lil bit extra just to ensure theres enough and then any left he gives in shot glass to other customers! not everyone is dishonest but of course you will get some......x
And far to many people have posted exactly the same on here about half measure Spirits, Are we all liars?, They also re sell measures that have not been finished by customers, They do this with food items also.
rwb46 what is a turkish measure?? from my experience a lot larger than a uk one!!! - if your that suspicious please feel free to find somewhere else to spend your hard earned cash
rwb46 wrote:And here's me thinking the Barnan's paid to put the Spirit in the drink Kedi, Anyone that buys any spirits thats put in their drinks ask to see it being poured at the table you sit at, That way their is no forgetting whatsoever, I normally sit at the bar or as close to it as possible and watch them, Even in my local in Icmeler (Where I pour my own drinks) I watch the owner pour the drinks for other customers and he short charges every single time, No im not going to say where, Just use the above tip.
Come on rwb46 name and shame theese people
Please do not provide any names.

This reminds of a trip to cyprus, everybody said and I read many times how lovely cyprus people are. In nearly everyshop they tried to short change me and in restaurants the men leered at my wife and then gave me dirty looks and while being stranded waiting for bus what should of returned 20 mins later but returned 4 hours later, while waiting in cafe the lovely cyprus people kept on trying to get me to play a card game I didn't know for money, no doubt to cheat me out of money.
The lovely turkish people who rip you off with short measures and no measures or watered down spirits, I had read many a moan on here by people who have gone to marmaris the spirts were wated in a lot of the bars, the lovely turkish people. Could it be they know the brits are a soft touch.
I will find out in august but I will not go anywhere the brits like so much like the dalaman region, so its side for me this year and if I like turkey it will be back to antalya region.
LOL. I so agree with you Mike. Everytime I see it posted I chuckle. People are people the world over, no one nation is superior to another, but a nation that sees you as a walking wallet well I think people need to get real. There is a bloke trading in lovely Olu Deniz who is famous for being a con man. In the UK he would be in prison, but he is left year after year to ply his dirty trade by the authoirities ripping off Brits. I imagine the government secretly admire him and so do other Turks or why is he left to do what he does? Its not like there haven't been endless complaints. Fortunately I go on another forum that warns people about this guy so I gave him a wide steer the first time I was there.
I don't see Turkish people with rose tinted glasses, but I usually complain about my drinks being too strong. Having said that I've had a few cocktails which are a bit on the weak side and they're not cheap either. rwb I'm very concerned about what you say regarding food, how can they do this and is it common practice?
Because of the strong euro making people switch to turkey thinking it will be cheaper are in for a shock, the drinks in spain will be on par with turkey prices and the drinks will the real thing and not the local stuff, you can get decent spanish beer for 1 euro a pint, breakfast for £2 bacon, eggs, beans and toast, eating out is cheap in majorca. I know I have been quite a few times.

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