After what is really just niggles to me but a worst nightmare for Joanne my partner whos bags did not arrive at the resort I contacted Thomas cook on my return, the details are below in the letter I sent but to date I have had no contact from Thomas Cook apart from me calling them to a response of we will contact you soon just a fob off really and there insurance company telling me to claim on my house insurance, I will never spend a penny with them again!!!
The letter I sent
Dear Sir / Madam
After returning from our recent holiday to the Dominican Republic, I feel compelled to write about the experience and how you are to resolve my concerns. Having dealt with Thomas Cook for many years booking 3 to 5 decent holidays a year, you can imagine that we spend fair amount of money and are reasonably loyal as we believe you get what you pay for and cheap is not always best , when possible using the same branch and member of staff ,mainly Sam -Metro centre who has always being consistently pleasant and very helpful, she may be the only reason I could consider using your services again in the future depending on the outcome of this major concern, because as it stands at the moment the rest of the company has let Joanne and I down to an almost unforgivable level as every part of the disaster was caused by Thomas Cook in a time when the battle ground for customers and company survival depends on customer service in this every troubling economic time.
We booked a holiday, car park and we also have an annual insurance booked in the branch, because of the amount holidays we take. It all starts with the car park and goes downhill from there. The car park we booked was supposed to be on the airport site itself so we have no travel before and after the flight but we received a letter a couple of weeks before we were to go stating that the car park had being sold and that we were to be placed in a cheaper provider with a refund of the difference on its way ,which we are still waiting for !. The car park we ended up in was 30 mins away for the airport and not that good to be honest as I don't really want to be having another 30 to 40 min trip to get the car after a long flight. Then at the airport as you can imagine was very busy with it being Easter weekend and the Thomas Cook Staff on the check in desk were working to clear the queues, however the check in lad did not put a label on our second bag as it went up the belt, I told him 3 times about this at the desk as he checked tickets etc and he assured me that he would catch it. So off to the departure lounge we go with a 4th reminder on the case before leaving the desk.
Landing in the Dominican very tired after a long flight we wait to find that only one bag had arrived which left Joanne distraught as this is every woman's nightmare as all her clothes ,make ups and nice things were in the case along with my camera equipment, but more on this later. We reported this straight away with the rep and airport baggage who tried very hard to help, but that could not be said of the rep who could not care less, to the point that they were even setting off in the bus leaving us behind until, get this the German Thomas Cook Rep stepped in to help and got us on a different bus to the hotel, how bad is that! Now this is where the nightmare begins as Joanne already in floods of tears and me annoyed because of this, still keeping a cool head as running 2 successful companies know it's not what goes wrong but how it is corrected that is important and stupidly thought the rep on site would help as Thomas Cook cares about its customers, how wrong could we be !.
Since it was late and we were tired on arriving at the hotel I thought it best to just grab a meal and see that I can make Joanne happy and put her mind at rest that all will be sorted in the morning. So at 8.45am the next day I went to catch the rep *** to help us, I told him the story of missing luggage, but he did not seemed to concerned and said they normally turn up in a day or so. Ok I thought and asked where can I get some clothes and creams etc as all was in the case. He sent us to the local on site shop after I could not believe his first suggestion of walking for a hour down a road that could only be described as deaths highway ,with no footpaths and trucks ,buses and cars all driving where they liked at stupid speeds avoiding pot holes in a temperature in the 100s (idiot). So going down to the shop and having to pay stupidly over the top prices for basic clothes that Joanne would never buy as she really does take a great pride in her appearance as do most women of refinement.
With a small bottle of suntan cream costing $32 a rip off if there ever was one. Then in the meeting and listening to *** speech at length about the trips which we always book a couple, he states that part of his service to guests was to please leave any unused creams etc with him at the end of your holiday as he gives these out free to those who need it as the costs are high. I pulled him after the meeting as I wanted a couple trips and asked why he did not tell me this earlier to a response of "I was not on duty till 9am and don't get involved with any concerns till then" I was gob smacked at this. Anyway the evening came and no word of the case, Saturday came, no word again ,causing up to now, me anguish chasing round trying to find your rep for info and Joanne so upset she just wanted to go home. So much for the start of 40th birthdays celebrations we are having this year as both of us turn 40 and we are celebrating with trips to different parts of the world over the next year ending with a cruise for mine.
Sunday we go on a trip which apparently is my fault for booking when I finally caught up with the Scarlet Pimpernel *** on Monday night when I asked about the case. Which I must say at this point I lost all confidence and started to agree with some of the other guests we had spoken to about *** lack of regard ,also finding out that on a shopping trip that Monday afternoon he had bigged up to be a designer outlets tour was in fact a market stall in the middle of nowhere for 40 mins with not much but tat for sale causing a lot of people to heckle the rep on the bus as *** did not turn up for the trip to receive the abuse he really does deserve ,shouting that he should be sacked something I now totally agree with. On talking to *** about what is to happen with my concern he said to contact the branch in the UK and get them to sort out insurance. I asked why I should be chasing round to find out information as I thought it should be the other way round surely, to which I was told he is off on Sat and on Sunday I booked a trip so no point talking to me (sorry for that I did not know it would be an inconvenience for ***) ,I take it the pen and paper has not being invented in his could not care less world!
Tuesday morn and a big hole in my wallet that I should never had to spend ,a girl in floods of tears and distraught due to the rubbish she is forced to go out in and me growing more and more angry on a holiday that is supposed to take the stress away from this incredibly hard economic time, Finally I get a little ray of light when I bumped into ^^^ a rep calling in to help because *** does not seem to be able to cope with the what seems to be a constant queue of people wanting his blood. ^^^ achieved more in 3 minutes than *** did in 3 days. He took the scan code from the passport and made a few calls straight away. Why did *** not do this ? ^^^ told us that he should have word later that day which we received, not good news but at least contact. We found out that the luggage was nowhere to be found. On the Wed teatime after our other trip I caught *** for an update to which he really did not give a hoot, especially when I told him that a DVD of the trip we had paid for on the first trip had not turned up ,which I ended up tracking down myself as apparently the trips are extras and not the responsibility of Thomas Cook even thou we are told in the meetings don't book anywhere else as Thomas Cook organises the trips which is either a lie or I don't care about it because I got your money, either way totally unacceptable.
*** now dumps an APTA settlement on the table saying this is to help pay for essentials, I asked him what am I signing as I don't want to sign my rights away or sign a settlement as the holiday at this point has being a total disaster which is basically his fault for having a` they will be gone soon attitude' to his job. The response from *** was that it is only a receipt and nothing to do with settlement. However I stood and read the document he presented to me while he dealt with some other guests having a go at him for guess what , yes that's right doing very little. Anyway in big letters through the middle and on the back states in the small print clearly that the document is a final settlement. So again I am left steaming as I had just asked that very question a few minutes prior. *** finishes with the guest and I ask him a simple question "what did I ask a few minutes prior?" but he is that stupid he replied "I deal with that many enquiries I can't remember" amazed I explained that he has either just lied and tried to con me into signing a settlement or clearly has no concept of a customer services environment when dealing with legal issues and should either be retrained or reassigned to something more suited to his level of concern say a cleaner or something along those lines. He then wrote and signed on the form that this was not a settlement and only a receipt of complaint which I had witnessed.
As you can imagine I am not in the happiest of moods as up to now every aspect of the holiday has involved Thomas Cook :- Booking the holiday with Thomas Cook ,Thomas Cook arranging the car park then changing it, Thomas Cook staff checking us in and rushing it causing an error, Thomas Cook plane flying us to destination without luggage, Thomas Cook transfers that almost left us, Thomas Cook rep that could not care less, Thomas Cook trips and Thomas Cook insurance. So at no point in our trip was Thomas Cook not involve so in my eyes Thomas Cook is responsible for the heart ache which to be honest could so easily have being avoided which spoilt our holiday.
I rang the insurance company on our return who was incredibly unhelpful apart from the basics which since we bought a Gold insurance, I believed to be as good as it gets, I find out that if my luggage is not found it would not cover my camera and we should claim on our house insurance before they consider a claim with them, how stupid is that when Thomas Cook claim their insurance is second to none!
I would like a response to how you are to resolve my faith in the company as this is the first time I have ever had a problem and cannot believe at the levels of unprofessional conduct and incompetence, in what should be a great experience and a joy which has now being destroyed to the point that I don't really wish to book another holiday with Thomas Cook. If we don't receive an adequate response I will also have no other choice but to cancel the holiday we have booked to the USA with yourselves departing 26.12.09 and find a travel provider I can trust.
**Edit to remove names. Please do not post names of staff in the topic. Thanks - Admin**
Sorry you had such a disappointing time. The letter however I think needs reworking as it doesn't make for an easy read as it is just 'too wordy'. Unfortunately they must receive so many complaint letters, that to get a response you are satisfied with, it needs to be concise and to the point. Have to say, I lost the will to read half way through and if customer services do the same you will get no-where. Don't mean to be critical, just constructive- I hope!! Re-write it using Bullet points, stating clearly your main grievances. You can always put at the end that they are welcome to contact you should they wish you to elaborate. Also give some idea of what response you are hoping for from them. I always find anything official that I write, is rewritten several times before I am happy with it.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.
If I, as a member of HT, who likes to assist where possible (and so have far more patience) think how the TO operative who reads dozens a day will react.
Short sentences and bullet points for the important points are the order of the day.
Arriving without luggage is stressful but personal feelings are of no importance when writing a letter of complaint. They know how you feel.
Attitude of some reps is well known so having a go a great length at this stage does not move things forward.
Your story is important but not at this stage. Should you not get a sensible response then it may be relevant should you take legal action to recover monies. Writing the whole thing down now whilst fresh in your mind is the correct thing to do, but keep it on file until the need arises to tell the story in full before a judge.
I know you have already sent it but I suggest you re write it for the next round. TOs are required to reply within a limited time, this is usually done in the form of an acknowledgement after which they have a further 28 days.
Please keep us informed of your progress so we can try to assist you in reaching a conclusion satisfactory to yourself.
I agree Gary - complaint letter need to be concise & to the point. You can point out your grievances but they will not relly want to read about feelings. They will know you're upset!
Maybe you feel a little better getting it all off your chest in a letter?
I always feel calmer, once I have written down my problems. Hope you do too!
Best of luck!
That letter is far tooooooooooooo long. Bullet points are best.
Long story short, I received a phone call from one of the claims staff 5 weeks later to deal with my claim. She asked me a couple of questions and it became clear she hadn't read my letter. She told me they never read past the first couple of lines as they don't have time. We sorted it out on the phone and she made me an offer which I accepted.
It might be best to write a short note with the bare facts and ask them to call you back or maybe call them.
initial letter of complaint should be the same as reports I was often required to submit when working. I was often told to re write them without the boss even reading them. His reason was simple. They must not take up more than one page of a sheet of A4.
If they need more then they will ask. It has already been said - bullet points with a short introduction. You also need to ensure you do not shoot yourself in the foot by disclosing your supporting evidence at the start.
I consider that an If they need more then they will ask. It has already been said - bullet points with a short introduction. You also need to ensure you do not shoot yourself in the foot by disclosing your supporting evidence at the start.
Yes wrote the letter while I was still fuming and as you say it all came out, but what has amased me is the fact they seem to care at all

Got to Bristol airport a few weeks ago with my 2 daughers, mum & niece. First problem when we get there they have put no baggage allowance atall on nieces tickets so she has to pay £15 both ways to get her suitcase over to cyprus..pays the £15 gets a receipt etc..
Gets back to check-in after paying for that & then my daughter's suitcase is 1KG over so had to pay £12 for that (was speaking to a woman on the plane and she had a suitcase full of shoes and trainers and was 6KG over , got charged nothing!!). So everythings fine after that.. untill we get on the plane just as were about to take off "There has been a problem with the fuel, we will have to offload 39 bags and you'll find out if its yours if it don't come round in Larnaca."
We arrive in larnaca, my 2 daughters mum & my case comes around straight away..nieces don't! So she has paid £15 to get her suitcase over and it hasn't come. So we finally get out larnaca at 4am from 1am with no case. They called on the friday and said "Your case has been to germany and is now in newcastle on its way." and arrived saturday night so my poor niece had to wait 3days out of 7 with no case!.
Don't think i'll be flying with thomas cook ever again!!! (So glad i didn't have to return to england after all that!! :/)
CourtneeLouise x
well we got our response letter today and guess what it is the standard "we are sorry buy won't do a thing so get stuffed" style letter , I will never use them again even if it costs me more money.
The new letter should restate your complaint in the manner we have suggested. Short and sweet.
You could also advise them that failure to correctly address the points raised may result in legal action against them when you would not only seek recompense due, but substantial damages and costs.
If nothing else you will keep someone occupied in replying.
fair point ,will keep you posted
At the end of the day I think the big tour operators are much of a muchness. You will always find people who have great times and those who have had horrific holidays with them.
can someone on here tell me how i go about making a complaint and is it to thomas cook or glasgow airport that i complain too any help on this matter would be great thank you
Terms and conditions of your flight will most probably say excess charges apply if your luggage allowance exceeds that of the ticket.
Couldn't you have paid on your credit card?

i was not trying to go away with extra luggage if checkin at glasgow had said that i was over weight there i would have happily took out some of my clothes and given them to my mum to take back home that would not have been a problem to do. But the truth is that checkin did not have the common sence to tell me that i was over weight going out so what i am saying i did not get the choice to take items out beforhand so that i would leave room for bringing items back home with me and no i dont have a credit card of any kind. but it is not that i was lucky to have gotten away with anything as i did not want to be ever weight in the 1st place. But does checkin not have the right to tell a customer going out of the counrty that they are over weight in luggage instead of letting them think they are fine and she was putting the suitcases on the waighing far to fast for me to see the read out as well .
With "getting away" I didn't mean deliberately getting away with. They didn't charge you but could have done. On your return journey they did choose to enforce the rules if you like.
Did you or your mother bring a spare bag or holdall to take any excess clothing home, or was your mother going to carry it in her arms?
Despite already thinking you were overweight you went on to purchase additional items and put them in the cases. Two bottles of brandy are fairly heavy.
Thomas Cook's baggage allowance is 15kgs hold and 5kgs hand which is clearly stated on their tickets.
For future flights it may be prudent to do as many are now doing and purhase luggage scales to check the weight before you leave.

50kgs !!!!!!! OMG.. How long did you go for ?

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