I've been skulking about this forum for a while now and thought it was about time I made a post

I'm coming over to Corralejo on the 18th of July and staying at the Oasis Village. Although it's AI, I WILL be eating out most nights as I had a great time over there in autumn '06 and hoping to repeat the good times!
Firstly MONEY
Last time I was over I used the ATM's in the resort and got charged various amounts, some ridiculous. This time I'm bringing an 'Abbey Zero' card that promises 0% charges on cash withdrawals and currency exchanges but I will be paying interest on it from the minute I withdraw, something like 27%APR or 2% per month(and I will be paying it off immediately on my return). This, apparently is better than most debit cards?!?
However, I have been advised that you can get better currency exchange rates if you use sterling on resort than you would get back here in blighty, do any reg's know of decent beareau's in Corralejo, and if so, what rates have they been recently? I know the rate is changing daily but I can take that into consideration when making my mind up.
I have read 'ThePeacockRocks' post regarding excursions and wonder (with the exception of pricing) if this is still applicable as it's 2 years old now. I'm coming with my wife and 6 year old daughter so looking for mainly sightseeing excursions that the young one will enjoy, and please, don't mention 'shopping'!
Has anyone been on trips recently that they felt were fun, worth it and enjoyable. I usually stay away from the reps offers unless they are good value as I feel you get better value and better trips by booking with 'local' companies. In addition to organised trips, I may well hire a car for a day or two so can anyone recommend a good value but reputable car hire place?
Eating/Drinking Out
As mentioned, I'm AI at the Oasis Village but only because it was the cheapest accomodation at the time of booking (£100 cheaper than my last hotel?!?) but I do fully intend to eat out/drink out most evenings as that is what a holiday is all about for me. Understandibly, due to exchange rates, things will 'seem' dearer but I believe some things are worth paying extra for, so where are the best restaurants in terms of both quality AND value. We prefer local cuisine than British dishes. Last time I was over I promised not to over indulge on the steaks (goat?) but as usual I did as there was some cracking restaurants out there, although the names now escape me!
And now the most important part, Drink, AKA, beer. It has been known for me to drink a beer or two

If anyone can take the time to respond or give advice, it would be much appreciated,
Many thanks!!