Im driving to Benidorm this time and it is beyond me how the traffic lights work. On my last visit, everytime I was in any transport I would try to work it out but it is very confusing. Any tips would be gratefully appreciated. No comments about women drivers please lol.
if you see anyone walking across a zebra crossing it's the law in spain that you must put your foot down and try and knock them over.
LOL Ok thanks for that....any more suggestions?
One thing which is different to here is that to make a left turn from a main road you often have to turn right onto a little loop and then wait for a green light to cross the main road. If you stop in the main road trying to turn left (as you would to turn right in this country) you will get horn blasted by angry drivers held up behind you! Keep an eye out for the sign, which is pretty self explanatory, and make sure you get in the right hand lane early!
Traffic lights go directly from red to green (stop to go) and then amber and then finally red.
Amber means stop unless it is unsafe to do so.
As Colin points out, there are often directional arrows which allow traffic to turn. If these are amber (sometimes flashing) then you need to give priority to approaching traffic.
Traffic lights are not much of a problem for tourists, but many drivers from Britain get confused by which lane to use on roundabouts, and whether to stop for pedestrians at crossings.
Another thing to be aware of is the vast amount of documentation and equipment that must be carried around in your car at all times.
I have found a website Here which answers a lot of questions for you.
Thanks for all that sound advice (and the website). It is confusing with the turning but I know what you mean I have seen the signs stating 'change of direction'. It does seem to me though that when waiting (either in a car or as a pedestrian) they seem to take forever. Anyway keep your fingers crossed for me and Ill post an upadate. I'm of in 26 more days and satying for 5 whole weeks ...cant wait
Cambio Sentido (change of direction) Most commonly seen on motorways.If you pass your junction or find yourself going the wrong direction,watch out for this.Dont take the next junction hoping to double back.Off topic slightly
Thanks for that pipefitter.

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