That aside poor little mite is going to be uncomfortable with itchy spots as it is without adding heat (I know it's hot here but obviously much hotter abroad).
Her holiday insurance would be covered for chickenpox - it's just one of those things that can't be helped, I know it's a huge disappointment when your holiday is hanging in the balance. My son broke his finger badly 3 days before we were travelling last year and had to have an op to manipulate it back into position and we thought he wouldn't be able to go, he was given a fit to fly letter on request and we went but personally I wished we'd cancelled - he had a massive splint on his hand, couldn't swim, had to paddle, couldn't go on beach and I was a nervous wreck! Different scenario I know but I think little one would be jolly uncomfortable - when they dry out they itch like mad.
I work in a school and we have lots of cases or chicken pox at the moment. The new guide lines we have been given is 5 days incubation from onset of spots whether they have dried up or not. Also my daughter got them on hol a few years ago and after 4 days in the sea (very secluded away from others) all her spots were pretty much gone. Salt water baths is what I'd recommend. Good luck x
Good information on the NHS Direct website
Click into the "prevention " page for info on flying
Thanks for all the replies - I have passed it all on to my sister. She is going to see the doctor Friday and will then contact her travel insurance, once she has the letter from the doctor.
With chicken pox you're contagious from when you come into cantact with it until either you've gone 5 days with no new spots or all spots have scabbed over depending on where you get info from. I've heard that the 2 usually co incide with each other. You usually show the first signs of it about 2-3 weeks after coming into contact with it. It's being contagious during the incubation period (between contact with it and showing signs of it) that makes it so contagious. Rather than having to cancel your holiday, you might be able to change the dates.
girlingreen - how did you sister get on at the docs? Is she flying toay? Let us know how she got on. Tis
Hello - it turned out to be a viral infection linked to her son's eczema, so she was given the all clear to fly. They flew out sunday evening - and luckily her little one fell asleep as soon as they got on the plane and didn't wake up until they were waiting for their luggage in Palma airport!!
Ahhh great, nice to hear a happy ending! Hope they all have a FAB time!

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