Flying with twins
I'm 18 weeks pregnant with twins, hubby and I are starting to think about things we're going to need. I've a few questions about the logistics if we fly over to England when they'll be about 4 months old.
First of all, thanks to all who replied on the Ryan Air thread, I've got the bags situation sorted, hubby and I will have backpack each close to maximum dimensions allowed 50x35-40x15-20cms which is within what both Easyjet and Ryan Air will allow. The plan is we'll put the things we usually have as hand luggage in the bottom of our packs, for the twins, we'll have a gymsack type bag for each of them which will go in the top of our backpacks. I know that this could mean a hand search of bags due to things not being clearly visible but will pack carefully to try to minimise chance of this happening.
Second, food which I think is going to be the biggest with the liquids restrictions, just to make it clear, we do understand the reasons for them. I am hoping to do mix of breastfeeding and expressing milk for them, idea being I'll feed first to wake/cry for food off one breast while expressing from the other, hubby will bottle feed second twin to wake/cry. We don't have a car and journey time to airport including change is 2.5 hours, add the time at the airport, flight time and getting through baggage recliam then journey to parents we're talking 8-9 hours. The rules on liquids are only enough milk for the flight accirding to BAA's website, allowing for taking milk in bottles with us probably 1/2 for each twin and if I've done a feed and express that makes 5 bottles for a 1 hour flight. Will this be allowed?
If breastfeeding and expressing doesn't work and I'm using formula, I'd have the water in the bottles already and the powder in those dispensers you can get, depending on flight time and feed times, I could have 3 bottles for each twin if feed time is before flight time (1 feed in the airport, 1 feed on route to my parents and 1 spare in case of delays). Would this be allowed?
If I've started weaning, I'll probably buy suitable food airside or take baby rice in powder form which is mixed with milk or buy fruit puree airside.
Another question, if flight time co incides with feed time, i've read in the FAQ's on Easyjet that you can't breastfeed during take off or landing, why is this, I'm guessing it's something to do with safety, is it possible to position a baby so they can breastfeed but still be in safe position. If it is possible, then would I be allowed to be expressing off the other breast as well? If they're being bottle fed, would we be able to bottle feed during take off and landing or does the position they have be in mean that feeding isn't possible. If feeding isn't possible then how do we deal with 'popping ears'? We're not going to use dummies.
Third, with the liquids restrictions, what are the rules on teethers which have liquid in them? Would they have to be in a bag 20x20cms for going through security then given back to the babies? If we need to take Calpol, I'll take the sachets of powder which you mix with water.
Fourth, I know that it's unlikely we'll be able to get pushchair back at the bottom of plane steps on landing or would it be possible if we ask cabin crew very nicely if they could ask ground crew? If it's not possible then we'll use the slings or front carriers.
Fifth, what happens at security if the pushchair is too big to fit through the x ray after it's folded down? BAA says that pushchairs have to be folded down to be x rayed. If one or both babies are asleep, would staff be prepared to check the pushchair with the hand held thing they use if you bleep going through the metal detector?
Lastly, any advice from anyone who has flown with babies of around 4 months would be appreciated especially if there's anything I've not thought of.
Thanks for any answers to my questions. If it's going to be loads of hassle especially if the liquids restriction means that we'd only be allowed to take 1 bottle of milk or sterilized water through security or if teethers are going to be a problem, we do have the option of bus to Dublin, ferry to Holyhead and then train to nearest station to my parents.