Just after some help, so I've hit a big wall in my holdiay planning. I've booked my flights and the majority of our hostels and we've budgeted for everything however I completely forgot/didn't know you had to pay for immunisations.

Now Hep A and Typhoid are free, however the nurse suggested to my girlfriend (I say suggested, more just mentioned some others) we have Cholera, Hep B, Rabies and Japanese Encephalitis. Though malaria wasn't mentioned, another extra maybe? Anyway my other half was to her horror quoted about £300 - £400.
Now are all the above neccessary?
Just to let you know we are heading to New Zealand, Australia (sydney only), Thailand (Bangkok only though we are catching the train to Penang), Malaysia (Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Melacca), Singapore, Indonesia (Bali only), Hong Kong (and Maccau) and Dubai.