We have just recently returned from our family holiday to Calis Beach where we visited the fab market in Feithye, whilst here my son bought himself a bracelet (only for 1 lira) he adored this bracelet and only took it off to have a bath. Unfortunutly today whilst at the Seaside he lost it in the sea while throwing pebbles, he's distraught and we spent over an hour trying to find it (knowing of course we wouldnt find it) but what can you do!

My bizzare request is that if anyone is intending on visiting this market if you would be kind enough to pick one up for me, I of course will send you the money for bracelet and a self addressed stamped envolope to send it on your return all before you go.
I know this all sound completely nuts but I thought I'd just give it a try. I have a photo of my daughters bracelet which I can email so you can see exactly what its like.
If there is anyone who, although might think i'm a crazy mother is willing to help could you please email me:
This is a genuine request but do totally understand if its not possible but I am willing to try anything to get Jack his bracelet back.
Thank you for your time.
Mandi xxx

Edited by
2009-07-23 19:32:09
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