yes you can but just make sure you buy your drinks once through immigration
I know what your thinking but thats women for you !!!!!
Yes, you can take them in your hand luggage providing the bag doesn't exceed the airlines size and weight restictions.
For anyone like me who has a bag like the one from accessorize, either do what I did and put liquids in frezer type bag and put that inside accessorize or whichever bag you have (last august after belfast wouldn't let me use accessorize bag due to it being 3d and they said too big, i did this, both Copenhagen and Stansted were ok with it). That way if security say the outer one isn't allowed, all you have to do is take freezer type bag out.
I also have another use for the accessorize type bag which I will do after what happened at Belfast back in May and that is use it for putting electronic things in and make sure it's at the top of hand luggage so it's clearly visible. Was told by man who did the hand search that part of it was due to having a lot of things with buttons close together. I only had iPod, Nintendo DS, mobile phone and external hard drive for laptop with me. Whether having those items in Accessorize bag at top would have made a difference, I don't know but will try it next time I fly.
If hubby and I decide to fly to England next Easter with our twins who'll be 4-5 mnths old, I'll be doing everything to make getting through security as easy as possible especially if feed time is while we're at the airport..
Although it may have worked for you at some airports in the past, your suggestion of double-bagging liquids in the hope that one or other of the bags might be acceptable, would not comply with regulations. Security screening requires that your liquids should be clearly visible and easily accessible and if double-bagging hinders that in anyway, you might face problems or delays while you are made to find one single transparent bag which is acceptable.

Do you think I will have a problem, or should I be looking at getting a smaller case ? Thanks
hi agedrocker....thought Id save the typing fingers of those who with infinate patience reply to this query over and over again ...and Im one of the recipients of it.....if your case is soft bodied and can be squeezed in the cages they use to measure them with...then your case is OK but dont overfill it leave room for contents to move around when being squeezed in...but if hard bodied ,rigid and cant be made to fit in then you could have a problem and need to used another bag....I havent had to put my hand luggage in one to be tested yet....but others yours is only a bit different they probably wont notice or question it....its only if your asked to put it to be tested in the cage you have problem
Many thanks Tweety Pie. My case is a soft bodied one, so fingers crossed all will be ok ! Thanks once again
A question for you, next year flying with our twins, I'm thinking that with it being one liquids bag per person, does that mean that hubby and I have to get our liquids and things we'll need for twins in 2 liquid bags (I'll have the bag with hubby's and my liquids, hubby will have the liquids bag with things for the twins). I know I can get mine in 1 (hubby didn't bother with bag for deoderant for him when we went to England end of May, would have used mine or he had packet of baby wipes with him) but think getting everything for twins in 1 might be tricky. I will get as much in travel size as possible (already have 15g pot of Sudo Cream which came in Bounty Pack and travel size bottle of Dettol multi surface spray also from Bounty pack), those 2 things will take up quite a bit of room in the bag. Add bottle of Calpol and if they're teething, Bonjela I think will mean bag full. If they're teething, we'll have teethers for them, most of which are water or gel filled so they need to go in a liquids bag as well? Would security allow us to have 2 liquids bags for the twins?
For feeding, hubbby wants me to formula feed so for that I'll do the cooled boiled water in the bottles and the powder in the dispenser things. If we've started weaning, it'll only be baby rice which comes in powder form so no problem there.
I'm still wondering if coach to Dublin, ferry to Holyhead and train to near parents might be easier especially as it'd be Belfast we'd be using due to Easyjet's charge for hold luggage being cheaper and more generous than Ryan Air. Belfast have policy of not opening check in until 2 hours before flight is due to leave and they were 15 minutes late back in May. Add to that bags being hand searched, once we got through to departure lounge, we had 30 minutes before we had to be at the gate. No good going to gate as soon as we get through security as Belfast don't announce which gate until last minute. Realistically could we get 2 babies changed, fed in that time?
To answer agedrockers question about bag size, just after they started allowing liquids and put bag size back up to 55x40x20 cms (Was flying with Ryanair and flight was Dublin-Stansted then Stansted-Dublin for return), I used a sports holdall which was listed in Argos catalouge as being 46x26x23 I think it is, 23 cms being the height from ground to the top. Being careful about how I packed, it fitted the box for Ryan Air, did have to turn it so that the 23cms was the front to back once in the box, had packed to allow for this as well. In my experience if the 3 dimensions of your bag look to be within what's allowed, you should be ok. I've used 35litre rucksack on RyanAir which is 50x45x20 so technically over on 1 dimension although under on 1 and maximum on other. I did pack it carefully though and dimensions of it are when pack is empty, I was careful what I put in the side pockets to make sure they didn't bulge. Airports I went through were Dublin and Stansted.
I wouldn't worry, your bag is near enough. As long as you can squeeze it in to the measuring basket if asked, you'll be fine.
Thanks Darren & Cate. will take your advice
cate .. as there is no baggage allowance for infants with Easyjet, you and hubby would need to incorporate everything within your own individual hold baggage and hand luggage (including single plastic bag for liquids) allowance.
Only thing we have got sorted is getting our things and what we'll need for babies in the one bag each that hubby and I will have.
Honest opinions here, are we being unrealistic in thinking we can fly with twins? I thought that Easyjet did allow baby bag as well as one piece for adult but they've obviously changed the rules. Do Easyjet expect items purchased in departures to be in the one piece of hand luggage as well?
cate ... do you really need to carry all those items in your hand luggage ? Aren't you just flying from Belfast to Stansted, or are you flying on somewhere else from there ? Deodorant, toothpaste, multi surface cleaner etc., couldn't you put them in your hold luggage, or perhaps buy them at your destination ?
I get loads in my plastic they all need to be 100mls or less they are all small items....I buy the mini travel deodorants , toothpaste, ect....
Heres what I got in mine last time ... some of it just to save weight in case.....
mini deodorant spray...bottle perfume...tin nivea cream for face and insect bite spray...2 lipsticks....mascara....shampoo in 100ml bottle....conditioner in 100ml pot....small nail varnish....little antibiotic ear spray
CHILL OUT CATH will be fine
ps...if you get the asda pack it has a mini spray bottle in which you can put your own surface cleaner into...I use mine to put water in to use as a cooler spray as I sick if I get hot....brilliant little spray it is
Worst case scenario for us would be check in opens 15 minutes late so 1 hour 45 minutes before flight is due to leave (happened back in May), take off the being at gate 30 minutes before flight is due to leave leaves 1 hour 15 minutes to get checked in, through security, twins changed, fed and burped. Check in and time to end of queue for security 20 minutes (may have been 15 last time but allowing extra), down to 55 minutes, time to get through security if delayed due to having to have bags hand searched 25-30 minutes. That leaves 30 minutes max before we have to be at gate, can't go to gate once cleared security as Belfast International don't give gate numbers until last minute, they don't even give a range and from departure lounge, the gates are in different directions. Big question is could we get 2 babies changed, fed and burped in 30 minutes bearing in mind one of us has to get bottle of water for hubby and I to drink on plane before drinks are served and also for while we wait for bags and buggy at Stansted. Twins are due 11th December but likely to be born mid-end November so will be 4-4.5 months old when we go. I'm beginning to wonder if bus to Dublin and rail & sail might be easier, baggage limit is what you can carry, sometimes hand luggage needs to be scanned, we'd be able to have change bag for twins as well as our own hand luggage, no restrictions on liquids either.
hi cate....if me would bus and all seems so stressful to would have more time to look after twins

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