Just a warning to watch out for very friendly young lady on the strip who will assure you she is not selling anything but would you mind filling in a survey regarding tourism in the area, only lasts a couple of minutes and then as a thank you she offers you a bottle of wine, very nice :cheers, " would you mind coming across the road to the office to collect it?", so off you go, then she also offers you an envelope to pick a prize and guess what ? we had won the star prize. Once in the office they arrange to pick you up the next day, free breakfast, drinks and a day in their apartments :sun2, you will then collect your prize
Thank you very much we said, got our bottle of wine and next day we asked our receptionist at the hotel to tell them we were unable to make it when they came for us. Receptionist just gave us a knowing look and said " oh yes Timeshare"
Be warned, they are very convinicing.