Its New York so not THAT long a flight - but my friend went last year and when she came back said it took her a few days to get her sleeping pattern back.
Now I have to say I am easily "thrown" when I miss a few hours sleep - should I expect to be ok to New York? We land around 1.00pm - should we have an early night the first night to try and catch up or just go for it!!?
Sorry if it sounds naff but Ive actually never been on a flight longer than to Tenerife before

No dont have an early night, try and stay up until your normal time you go to bed in the UK.Here is a link 10 ways to beat Jetlag.

especially this bit
Stay up till 11pm
When you arrive, don't go straight to bed for a nap, however quick it is. You'll feel better temporarily, but you'll only confuse your body clock and delay making the time change. Stay up until 11pm if you can.
that answered my question brilliantly.
Any of you suffer after travelling - if so please post - thanks x
Stay awake as long as possible first night. When you get back to the UK again try to force your body back into normal sleep patterns ASAP.

We had a night flight coming back so landed at 6am so had been awake for nearly 24hrs ( I can't sleep on planes) After 3hr drive back we arrived home around 10 and I so wanted to go to bed but I remembered how I'd felt first day of hols so persevered till 9pm and after a 12hr sleep everything was fine.
Enjoy ur hols.
Merged with existing topics which may have some information in earlier posts.
Stay up as long as possible on your first night, at least until 9-10pm.
Don't drink alcohol on the flight (Aye right!).
Don't think what time it is at home, adjust to the time at your destination.

Don't drink alcohol on the flight (Aye right!).

Seriously thanks so much everyone for the advice - and to Luci for merging this so there is more information!

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