Not long now, tickets came this morning, off on the 7th October to Rhodes, not been to Greece since 1978/9 and i dont really remember much about it. Not all down to getting old, i think the local wine/beer had a lot to do with it. Im a lot older now and slightly more sensible and cant stand the typical Brit abroad, can make you ashamed sometimes!!
Its been a long year this year, worked some long and hard hours and the day before we go ive got a day happening that ive spent the last 6 months planning, a live exercise involving all the emergency services. Debrief at 1630, in the car and off to Gatwick to stay overnight. Since it will be a stressful day i have every intention of "relaxing" at the hotel with a nice meal, some wine, then bed.
I dont think i have looked forward to a holiday so much in years.
Since it will be a stressful day
as i have everything planned out as well [and always do] i don't find it very stressful , the airport i find aggravating but if you give yourself plenty of time not stressful, our flight for the next holiday is around 7 am so we will leave home around 2am for the drive to Copthorne [where we park] mini bus to south terminal then the aggravation of booking in, security,passport, then into the departure area [should be there around 5 am] the bar usually opens around 5-30 am,.. a couple of drinks [no more] then to one of the eateries [yes they are expensive] for breakfast before we go by this time i'm looking for our aircraft on the apron, board, depart, a drink or two on the flight, then woo hoo holiday proper........
if you have planed well then no stress just enjoy.. and have a couple of Mythos and Metaxa 7 for me,

Hope you have a great time Mick and leave all the stress behind you. I go a week after you and it can't come soon enough.
I dont think so much in my life has ever depended so much on a 7 hour day.
Going on holiday will be no stress, but as we are driving down straight after the event i intend to unwind a bit that evening.
Never been to Cyprus either ive just realised, we will see how much we like Greece i think then decide on next year.
Never been to Cyprus either ive just realised, we will see how much we like Greece i think then decide on next year.
the two are very different, i find most of Cyprus far more commercialised than a similar sized Greek island, even the language is slightly different, Greece is and always will be my first choice but Cyprus runs a close second, for the true Greek experience try to get well away from the main resort areas there you will find the food in the taverner's of better quality [and cheaper] the atmosphere much more laid back,
the locals usually even more friendly and pleasant [although not all will speak English],
I have heard it said of the Greeks that they are the most friendly and respective people you could ever wish to meet, and if you show them the same respect you will have friends for life
go and enjoy
While surfing the net i came across a write up of a restaurant on the top of a hill, the road winds round the hill to get there and its all on its own. Does that ring a bell as it sounds really nice, we really want to try it out but i cant find it on google earth or anywhere else??
Could be several places, was it near a little fishing harbour? If you let us know whereabouts you are staying someone will know the area and be able to make lots of suggestions. Have a great hols, we are not going till the end of Oct.
The taverna is called Mimakos. Its near Afandou on the Rhodes to Lindos road. As you approach you will see a large sign by side of the road & see the taverna on top of the hill. Its not open on Mondays. They ask what meat you prefer , & then the food starts to arrive. You think this is the complete meal as there is so much food on the table. No . What is on the table is just the starters , & so the food just keeps on coming. Its been a year since we have visited , but I think cost is 20 - 25 euros a head.
Hi tpebop, that sounds like the place. The write up gave it a massive thumbs up, but the writer couldnt remember where it was. Thats dinner one night sorted then, thanks for your help,
Is that the one near to Tsambika Beach? One the side of the road pearched on the edge over looking lush green flower filled hillside down to the sea? If so it was amazing. You could easily miss it but well worth stopping at.
Mimikos is NOT near Tsambika . You are thinking of another.
Rachael, I'm pretty sure you are thinking of Panorama.Fabulous views down to Tsambika. That started off many, many years ago as a "cantina" and has grown to the taverna it is today. Good food and the family are very friendly.
Thank you Anne, that would be it. It was lovely, the setting was beautiful and the food was really good. My daughter made a little greek friend there of the same age and it was so cute seeing them trying to communicate in their respective languages. Ahhh happy times...
It's lovely to see how children get on--------we all laugh in the same language!
Aww that's so true and very cute.

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