I have just been today to pay for some flights with thomsons to Tenerife which I booked back in November 2008 at the time of booking I added on 4 lots of extra luggage allowance 5 kilos each at a cost of £17.50 per person. The girl in the shop proceeded to take my money from my debit card once paid she hit me with the bad news. Even though i had just paid for 5 extra kilos per person I can know only take 3 kilos per person i was dumb struck. when i asked her why I hadnt been informed of any changes like the luggage allowance she said she wasnt sure why.I then asked if she could reimburse me for the extra luggage charge that i had just paid for, she replied I can but I will have to charge you for YOU changing your mind. she said the only alternative is for each person to take the 23 kilos in each hold luggage and then put the other 8 kilos in another suitcase for the hold and for that privalage it will cost ME another £16.00.So they are asking me to pay another £16.00 so that i can take the 8 kilos that i have allready paid for with me. dumb struck again the girl in the shop thought that was an acceptable offer but i informed her that allthough we are a party of 4 adult 2 of us live in Yorksire and the other 2 live in Lancashire and should we pack this suit case at the airport? I think not ! the reply was come and see the manager when she gets back on Tuesday boy i cant wait
has anybody come across anything like this?
The logo on my invoice says Thomson Your holiday Starts Here i am not convinced
I take it the problem is that the maximum weight per case allowed by Thomson is 23kg. I wasn't aware of that I thought it was 32kg as that's the maximum weight allowed for H&S of the baggage handlers. However if the girl in the shop knew she could of mentioned it and you could just have booked three extra kilos to give 23.75kg each so your only loosing .75kg each. At the very least I feel you should get that last 5kg charge refunded. (I'm assuming your original allowance was 20kg pp.)
She does appear to be right though.
oh yes i have had a good look at all the wording and yes the girl in the shop is correct but she should of told me before i had paid i had a right to know before hand.,since thay altered it from May 2009 they have had ample time to inform everybody thats booked extra luggage. You cannot pay for just 3 kilos extra in advance they will only sell you 5 kilos in advance. Its make no sense apart from they get a bit more money out of you for nothing
I agree she should of advised you just to book an extra 3x 5kg which you could have split between the four of you. So at the least press for a refund of £17.50 as they sold you something you could never use.
Last month, booked First Choice/Thomson Premier Hotel so we had 23k allowance each.
At the time of booking, I paid for another 5k each which cost another £35 (10k between us) = 28k each.
So we had 28k each for the trip but I then realised that only 23k was allowed for each case so we took
3 cases instead of 2 with us - 2 x 20k and 1 x 16k.
(Always wondered why in the past when checking in, the staff used to ask 'how many cases')
All OK going out but we know we could not bring anything extra back and on the day we were leaving, we were given a present weighing at least 5k which would have cost us another 55 euros in excess baggage!
The more allowance we have, I pack to the limit. Never again (until next time!!!!)
Thanks somersetsuzie for your comment. I have got the luggage dillema sorted and i am having to have 4 suitcases of 20kg and 2 of 10 kgs for the hold. The manageress of our local Thomson shop has paid this cost of £32.00 so it hasnt cost me any extra. It did take her an hour and half to sort it out over the phone with customer services they even put the phone down on her twice. My opinion is that Thomsons customer services by telephone are chronic and they dont know what they are talking about.Thank god there are still shops where you can have face to face contact Our local Thomson mangeress who is called Jo has been great with us no matter what the problems have been and over the last 2 years there have been plenty.
I know I am getting to be a whingeing old fogey but it just annoys me when we have paid extra and toed the line.
Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.
Cheers, Jean
We've never, ever been overweight but I'd not risk it in case that was the one time they decided to charge.
I can take all I need within whatever allowance I've paid for, so I don't really bother about what's happening to other people.
I've not flown with Thomson lately, but Thomas Cook and Monarch have been very keen on charging for excess baggage on the 3 flights we've taken this summer.

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