I enjoy coming on here. I think its an excellent way of sharing information about our favourite holiday places.
Its not all negative like a few other "Holiday " sites, which are full of moaners, the food was "foreign " etc.
But just this once I want to have a rant.
Did we really need the poppies on the board ?
I dont mean this to be in any way disrespectful to the memory of anyone who has been killed or injured in war, but not everyone agrees with the way this particular act of remembrance is used.
It has been hijacked by politicians for many years, and has become a very militaristic, and jingoistic platform for them to push their views.
Every person on TV must wear this symbol, regardess of their veiws on it. No dissent is allowed.
You just have to put up with it. But does it need to be the same here ?
if you go into the user control panel, then to board preferences on the left hand side, you can change the style from remembrance to subsilver and you will not have to put up with the poppies.
Thanks Jim x
As an ex serviceman ( Royal Navy ) I for one will wear mine with pride.
When I see a poppy I think of my Dad who fought in WW2 in Burma, I remember how important the symbol of the Poppy was to him and the Royal British Legion who raise money by selling them to look after service men and women. I never ever think of politics. I'll wear mine with pride too. But I do understand that everyone has their own opinion on it and as stated above you can quite easily revert back to the sub silver theme. We had a lot of complaints one year when we didn't put the theme up.
my father in law fought and was also a POW in Burma. To the day he died he couldn't speak about his time there. Subsilver is there for those who dont want the poppy theme( or who might find the colours a bit too bright)
As a ex serviceman I also wear my poppy with pride. But what ever people think lets keep this to a holiday forum as the poppy issue only offends both sides.
Cornish lad
Thankyou for the information, and reasonable replies.
Wear your poppy with pride, we should never forget those men and women who sacrificed all for their country and for us to live in peace. So what if the poppy is displayed on here.My late father fought in the war and always wore his poppy and attended the service of remembrance.
Not only that, it's off topic in a big way, what's it to do with Bulgaria? The whole thread should be removed.

I have to admit I do usually revert back to the subsilver as sometimes they can be a bit hard on the eyes
I really cannot express how angry I am, that someone wants to question HT's small recognition to our fallen personel.
If it wasn't for our soldiers, we would be speaking German (nothing wrong with speaking German) but for a short time and only once a year, can't some people just find something else to moan about. ?
Sorry, I've been a member of this board for a few years now and while everybody has a right to an opinion, I think this thread has really hit the gutter and really shocked me to the core.....
This board is based in Britain, with British users, where in Britain some of us feel great pride in both our country and will forever be eternally grateful to those men and women who were prepared to sacrifice their lives, so that all of us today can sit behind a computer and have an opinion....we wear and display our poppies with pride and so we should.!
Next you'll be saying "don't have the Christmas theme because that might offend someone.?"
I don't know about offending someone, this has definately offended me, BIG TIME.
First of all I commend justjoe for having the courage to not only air his views on a potentially explosive subject, but also for expressing them in a reasoned and calm post, perhaps more importantly I defend to the end of my life his right to express his opinion. I have to say that I agree with some of his comments in regard to politicians hijacking the symbol of the poppy for their political ends. As an ex serviceman who now works in a military environment may I make an impassioned plea to everyone, please, please, please do not confuse the poppy and its remembrance of, and support to, past and serving men and women, with the support of any war or military action in which we are currently involved. The poppy, just like the Help For Heroes organisation and many others are all about the troops and their welfare, leave the politics of the wars to the politicians until you have your voice on polling day. My thanks to all at HT for this show of support for our servicemen and women AND giving our members the choice to not have the poppy background.
The poppy, just like the Help For Heroes organisation and many others are all about the troops and their welfare
That's why my son last year lost 8 stones in weight, so that he could run his first ever half marathon at the age of 38 to raise hundreds of pounds for Help For Heroes.
Whether it's political, hijacked or whatever, the poppy is the symbol for sleep and death and is associated with our fallen and brave servicemen/women.
I find the first post on this thread appalling and I commend HT for having the theme.
Chap I sit opposite at work was telling me yesterday about his late Dad, who when a POW, watched two Frenchmen roast a rat on a stick for their Xmas dinner and then how later on that day went on to observe an English man pass some Cadburys Dairy Milk from his redcross parcel under a wire to a Jew, the Jew was then shot immediately for taking it and the Englishman was then shot for trying to be kind.
These are the real people who lived and died through it that justjoe wants us to forget. How appalling.
He says he dosen't want to be disrespectful which is a cope out as of course he does and couldn't care less about the people who lived as above so that he can actually be in a society that means he can afford a holiday every year, and can go onn holiday boards at his leisure.
If you dont like the setting change it, it ain't rocket science. We have Xmas and Easter as well, suppose you object to this as well incase it offends certain religious groups.
Great posts as usual Sanji.
sanji wrote:Whether it's political, hijacked or whatever, the poppy is the symbol for sleep and death and is associated with our fallen and brave servicemen/women.
Well said Sanji, my thoughts entirely. A PM to one of the mods, asking if the theme could be changed would have sufficed in my mind.
My nephew is an RAF reservist and was sent to Iraq a couple of years ago - thankfully he returned home but he had aquaintances who did not - he saw sights that will stay with him for the rest of his life.
Wear the poppy with pride please.
My grandfather who served in France in the first world war and the merchant navy in the second gave me hours and hours of his time patiently telling me stories....about himself ..his brothers...his friends...his comrades....the rights and wrongs about how men had been used...I learnt what these 2 wars were all about not from a politacal point of view....but from a human point of view by some one who had lived throught.it ...it was not written on a pamflet or in a book that could be lost or destroyed....but deep inside myself...LEST I FORGET...
Time goes by ...and my granfather and those like him are very few now...and will soon all be gone....as will the likes of me who heard their stories first hand.
The poppy is a key ....it makes people ask what its for.....why we bring it out year after year....the answer is for the future....when the likes of me have long gone.....a voice not just for those who suffered but for our voices ...those who care ....and a voice against those who could make it happen again.
Thank you HT for your recognitian of our voices asking for a peaceful world....and the rememberance of those that suffered trying to obtain just that....not just the service men but their families who had to face a life without a father husband or son...
The poppy is the voice of those who care....this is a country where free speach is allowed....the more people who buy and wear a poppy the more voices are heard
I didn't find the post offensive. It was asked, answered and Joe came back to thank us for our responses. We do a few themes over the year and there is always the option to revert back to our normal subsilver theme. This is something that joe was not aware of.
But just this once I want to have a rant....
if we were not having this disscussion about the poppy theme and its relevance...then you wouldnt have been able to rant about not being happy about it....instead you would have been hiding from the gestapo or secret police for daring to question if it was the right place to display a swastica (sorry my spelling is awful )
Did we really need the poppies on the board ?....

It has been hijacked by politicians for many years, and has become a very militaristic, and jingoistic platform for them to push their views.....

Every person on TV must wear this symbol, regardess of their veiws on it. No dissent is allowed.

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